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Calla's POV

It had been a couple days since being here. Wherever here was. Delax was returned to me safety and I was brought three meals a day. Today Olaf would finally show me around and I was looking forward to it. Being stuck in this room for days I was starting to lose my mind. Olaf got me after breakfast and began showing me around. We were so far east that it was past any land I would be able to recognize. Great so I am depending on a rescue. Taking a look around I notice some familiar faces from my clan and I try my best to control my rage at them. Fucking traitors! Other faces I didn't recognize. I noticed some of the female warriors were gawking at Olaf. I mean he is good looking so no surprise there. The surprise was the fact he gave no female any acknowledgement. Maybe his of different interests. " You do like women don't you?" I asked. I don't know why I did but the words slipped out before I could stop myself.

I thought Olaf would be mad since that is a challenged to his manhood. But instead he just chuckled and looked at me. Eyeing me up and down as he spoke " Of course! Just the woman I want happens to be by my side." I roll my eyes. If he really thought I would fall for him after he kidnapped me and attacked my clan he was delusional. But this explained why he was being so nice and wanted to earn my trust, which overall could work in my favor. " You do know I am spoken for right?" Olaf seemed to tense at my reference to Ren and his eyes had turned cold. " You won't be his forever." I didn't like what that implied and the fact I had no idea if Ren was okay or not didn't help either. Olaf kept walking me towards what looked like a training area. Most of warriors were sparring each other and some where sharping their weapons.

As much as I didn't like being here I relaxed a little in this area. It reminded me of home and this seemed like the only place I could defend myself. Olaf had walked away to go talk to someone. Watching him talk to the guy who's back was facing me I noticed the man looked familiar. At first I couldn't figure it out, but I know I saw those dirt colored locs before. The man turned slightly and that's when I recognized the strong facial features and sharp jaw line. Luca. I don't know how I lost control of my emotions, but the next thing I know I had punched Luca across his jaw. I had to shake my hand out as its been awhile since I punched someone, but this asshole deserved it. Luca spit out blood as his lip was cut matching his fading black eye. Olaf grabbed my arms before I could hit Luca again. Screaming and shouting " LET GO OF ME!" drawing everyone's attention. All of a sudden Olaf let go screaming out in pain. Turning around I see Delax biting his calf and not letting go. I don't know where Delax came from. Olaf promised no one would hurt him so he was free to wonder. But it was clear he was close enough to hear me screaming and thought Olaf was trying to hurt me. " Delax come now!" Delax let go and walked over staring at Olaf with his blood dripping down his now flashed fangs. I had to swallow my pride on the fact Delax did exactly what taught him. " I am sorry... here let me take a look at it."

Olaf lifted up his pant leg and you could see the bleeding bite mark left by Delax. It wasn't too deep so using some clean bandages I wrapped it to stop the bleeding. Olaf wasn't able to put much weight on that leg so Luca helped him walk back to the den. Me and Delax following behind earning strange looks. Great... hopefully they wouldn't come after Delax. I mean after all it wasn't his fault he was doing what I trained him to do. But people don't understand the bond between a human and a wolf. They assume its witchcraft or some type of curse. But simply it was just a bond so deep that the wolf considered the human its alpha.

Luca helped Olaf lay down on the bed and after that I gave him a look of pure hatred. He sighed and left the room looking down at the ground. " I really am sorry about Delax. He just did what I  trained him to do." Olaf chuckled and I was surprised by that. He already had told me Delax bite off some of the warrior's fingers so I thought he we would be upset that he tried to bite a chunk of his leg. " I will be fine. So go ahead and smile. I know your proud of him." Olaf said and I smiled glad he wasn't upset. I kept being friendly because I wanted to stay on his good side, but a part of me wondered if maybe me and Olaf could have been friends if he hadn't kidnapped and attacked the clan. Even if we had been friends Ren would have not liked the fact he had competition for my affections. I mean look what happened between him and Luca. Lost in the thought of what could have been Olaf spoke pulling me out my thoughts. " You know I have been meaning to ask. How did you train a wolf to be so loyal? Aren't you afraid of him turning on you?" It felt weird to open up to a complete stranger, but seeing how as long as Olaf stayed infatuated with me it bought Ren time to create a plan and find me.

" Well for starters I am sure you have heard the rumors and no it is not a curse or witchcraft." Olaf smiled as I continued " As far as training I did nothing special really. I trained him like how you train a dog. Since I found him when he was a pup he had no choice but to trust me. Over time that trust grew into respect, understanding, and love. I don't cage him up like a dog. His a wolf his natural instinct is to explore. So I let him. In return he explores whenever he wants but stays close just in case. He sees me as alpha so he would never dare to attack me unless I hurt him." Olaf nodded and we talked a little more. He insisted I sleep in here with him, but I refused to sleep in his bed so I slept on the floor. Using Delax as a pillow and wrapping myself in a blanket I fell asleep.

Ren's POV

After questioning every drifter we had one of them finally turned. Her name was Moon. She had said that all the clans were attacked that night and after sending and receiving letters from all the clans it was proven true.  She said that a man named Olaf was in control and to our shock his right hand was Luca. Hearing his name made my jaw twitch I knew something was off about him. She had said the original plan was to take down the Northerns and take their place, but their were too many complications to get involved. So they just decide to improvise an attack. She didn't know why Calla was taken that was something this Olaf guy and Luca knew about.  So Luca was the one to kidnap her. His gonna regret taking her from me. After she claimed that was all she knew we threatened her life and her families. That was all it took for her to tell us that they were claiming camp about a weeks ride west of here.  It made sense because no one rode that far out west. There wasn't much game to hunt for and the land's soil was to dry to grow. The fact they were surviving out their was a shock.

Telling the clans of this new information they all agreed to ride out with us to fight. We would leave first thing once they all got here. We all wanted revenge as we lost many good warriors and the fact that some of own betrayed us fueled our rage. If Olaf wanted war he was gonna get one. We still outnumbered him greatly, but deep down I was scared as to why he took Calla. At first I thought he would use her as bait to get us to surrender, but we never received a letter. And Moon made it crystal clear that he wished to leave any clan leader's and their next dead. He simply had gone power hungry for power he would never have. No one wanted to admit the possibility she might be dead, but it certainly was a theory. But I know she's not dead I just know it. She is smart. She's probably trying to figure out how to escape or passing time waiting for a rescue. She knew I would come looking for her and I was determined to bring her back safely. I am coming for you Calla.

Author's Note: Hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I know I did!  Thank you again for all the read's and votes. And for those who enjoy my writing I am currently working on a new book. Not sure when I will publish the first coupe chapters. Trying to finish this book first!

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