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~Two Months Later~

Ren's POV

 It's been two months since the attack. Two months of being a leader. Two months of hunting  down Olaf with no luck. But that wasn't what today was about. Today I would keep my promise I made to Calla about marrying her. And I planned to do just that. The Gods gave her back to me and I was not letting her go. Everyone in the clan seemed thrilled about the wedding and some like Hunt and Virvia thought it was long over due. Everyone in the clan were in the meadow. It was a tradition in our clan for all couples to be married in the meadow.

Suddenly Calla came walking over to me. She was in her normal attire of leather pants and a top. I chuckled as she  wasn't like any other girl. Even on her wedding day she still refused to wear a dress. But she still looked beautiful. Her long gray hair half braided and half down. Her stormy grey eyes were filled with tears. A smile grew on my face watching her walk up to me. Once in front of me she held my hands and I sighed. " Calla I have never been great at confessing or even recognizing my feelings. But I know that I love you and I am forever thankful for the Gods for giving them to me. I promise to protect you until I draw my last breath. I promise to love you for you and all that you are. To admire your beauty and no one else. My heart is yours until you no longer want it. For if I am ever to break these vowels let the Gods strike me down."

 I say as I watch a tear slide down from Calla's face. Wiping it away with my thumb. She smiled and leaned her face into my hand as she spoke her vowels. " Ren you are my best friend and now my lover thanks to the Gods. I promise to protect you in battle. I will forever be loyal to you and only you. I shall love you and the family we will have. I promise to guide you and help lead our clan. For shall I break these vowels let the Gods strike me down." She said. And with that we kissed sealing our vowels and officially becoming married.

Calla's POV

 After me and Ren officially became married there was the official party. And oh boy was it a party. There was food everywhere in the hall and everyone was drinking and singing and just celebrating as loud as they could. Me and Ren had shown up late as well neither one of us could wait to make love as husband and wife. I personally didn't want the wedding to happen today, but I did it because Ren needed it. He was keeping tabs on all the hunter's search for Olaf. Every day when word went that Olaf had not been found nor caught he would shut down and walk off for hours. I always let him and never knew where he went. But I easily understood how he was feeling. He wanted revenge, but he was letting it consume him. So I hoped the wedding would make him realize that Olaf dying was not the most important thing. And well it seemed to work.

In the days to come Refiner's wife finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Faith. It seemed like all the clans had moved past the attack and were doing well. Some how Pal and Zena are some how together. Ren had been busy with establishing trade routes and had been gone for a couple days after the wedding. I was left in charge to help with an village needs. But luckily for me all seemed to be doing well, except for me. I had been feeling sick. I was constantly throwing up anything I ate and even certain smells made me nauseous. 

 I figured I probably had eaten some bad meat and was just sick, so I figured I wouldn't call in the doctor. But Virvia was saying I was with child, but I think she only believes that because her and Hunt have been trying to get pregnant. She is in baby land. But even Delax has been acting weird he won't let anyone near me except for Ren. I  brushed it off thinking it was being over-protective after the whole Olaf thing.

Iris has been spending a lot of time with me and every time I see her I just get this awful gnawing feeling in my stomach. She lost her husband while I just found mine.  She looked terrible to be honest. Her skin was pale, her hair dull and brittle, her eyes no longer had the spark that was once was in them. She looked like a dead person walking. The poor thing. Half of her died with Marcuis and the other half was now just lost. I tried to cheer her up and so did other village woman but nothing seemed to be working. I was making stew and she sat at the table. She began to spoke startling me. " You are with child." I just froze and stared at her. No. She was wrong. I am not carrying Ren's child and she has no way to know I am. " Iris, I am not! I have just been a little sick.'' She giggles and I couldn't help but smile. It has been a long time since I heard her laugh or even smile. " Honey I am sure of it. Look how protective Delax is of you. And your practically glowing. When is your next cycle?" I sit down across from her trying to think of when my next cycle.  Wait a minute I should have started  last week. Well maybe because all the stress I have had an effect on it. So I lied because I am sure that was what it was. " I should be starting in a week or two I believe." Iris still had a smile on her face as I set her bowel of stew in front of her. She replied" Hmmm.... I guess we shall see."  

Great... She isn't gonna let this go.

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