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Ren's POV

Oh no she isn't kissing back. Shit she doesn't feel l- wait! She is kissing me back! Oh thank fuck! I had impulsively decide to kiss her as the silence in the room was killing me. And I couldn't find a words to speak to tell her. God her lips tasted like cherries. I had pinned her down on her bed and was between her legs as she kept pulling me closer to her. I was getting harder and harder by the second. Groaning I pull away from her lips and kiss her neck grinding my hard on against her core. I want her so bad I don't think I have been this turned on for anyone.

As I kiss her neck she moans softly making my cock twitch. Whispering in her ear " You are extortionary Calla." Biting down on the crock of her neck I suck living a red mark.  My hands on her waist slowly sliding up and under her shirt towards her perky breast.  God her skin is so soft. And she smells like honey. I don't want her I need her! Kissing her collarbone as I pull her shirt down she places her hands on my chest and pushes me away. 

" S-Stop... I don't wanna rush..." She whispers looking down breathing heavily. I realize what we were about to do and quickly sit up and get off her trying to adjust my hard on in my pants. Shit she probably thinks she's just another conquest!  " I am so sorry Calla. I just had to kiss you no words can explain the feelings I had for you. Although I am glad you feel the same." I offer her a soft smile and she smiles back. She was so cute when she smiled having dimples on both sides of her mouth. Studying her smile  I am pulled out of my thoughts when her mouth starts moving " I couldn't find words either. But I wanna take things slow. If we rush their is a chance of ruining our friendship and that's the last thing I wanna do.I nod understanding where she is coming from.

 I hadn't thought of that... If this fails it could drastically change our friendship. But what I felt with her I didn't feel with anyone else. She isn't the others. " That's fine Cal. How about this you have been traveling for some days why don't we just lay down and rest?" Her face lights up at the idea and she quickly climbs under the blanket laying on her side. I get in and wrap my arms around her waist and pulls her close to me. I can't help but smell her as she just smelt so good. God I missed her so much. Feeling her relax its not long before I am hearing soft snores coming from her. I chuckle softly finding it adorable I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. The last thing on my mind, Calla.

Marcuis's POV

Me and Iris had welcomed Calla back this morning. I didn't ask what happened because it wasn't my place. All I can say is I am glad she is back, Ren was miserable without her. Iris has smiling all day since Calla's return. " And what has my beautiful wife smiling this had?" She blushes and smiles even more  " Calla is home. And I think Ren is finally going to tell her." I smile hearing this news. Ren had been acting different around her during the festival so it made sense. " So my son is about to become an actual man with an honest women?" She nods rolling her eyes.

Walking through the village to make sure everything is okay Delax runs over to me and licks my hand. " Hey bud! Where's calla?" It wasn't weird for Delax to be alone as he was probably coming back from the woods. I just assumed Calla would be with him. Delax barks and runs off towards the warrior's den I quickly follow. Delax paws and scratches at Calla's door.  Huh, Calla should be here. I knock on the door several times, but no one opens the door. I push open the door and Delax runs in. " Hello? Calla are you here?" Curiosity got the better of me and I walk in and upon walking in I see Calla sleeping and.... MY son sleeping cradling her. I quietly sneak back out and smiles. They were so cute. The gods will bless them.

Author's Note: I am sorry this chapter is so short. I didn't wanna write to much because the next chapter will be long. Also it was hard to upload anything as a wind storm is coming through and the power keeps going in and out. I may come back and fix this chapter. But just know the next chapter is longer than normal.

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