Grey - Janah

726 31 9

Ok so this might be confusing. But the italics is a flashback, and the normal text is current. I hope that makes sense

Type: sad
Warnings: none
Wc: 728

🧸✨ the world is beautiful, go explore it (safely of course)

Third person

The door slammed loudly, Jonah falling to the floor in tears in the living room. Jack was upstairs in the bedroom, angry at himself for even arguing with the boy downstairs.

Now Jonah laid in bed, no intention to move at all that day. He broke up with Jack after that argument, not wanting to have to deal with anymore arguments over nothing.

That's how Jonah felt 3 months ago, now he would do anything just to hold Jack once more, just to hear his laugh and see his adorable smile one last time. His whole world turned grey as soon as he left Jack. He walked away when Jack came to stay.

"Jack?" Jonah called out and knocked on the door.

"What?" Jack replied, his voice quiet and obvious that he had been crying.

"Can I come in?"


Jonah opened the door and walked into the room to see Jack laying on the bed, his back facing Jonah. The older boy moved so he was sitting behind Jack, not wanting to see his emotions break in front of him.

"Uh Jack, I don't think we're going to work out. I'm sorry to leave you like this but I just can't handle this right now," Jonah explained sadly.

"Get out," Jack whispered, his voice shaky as he tried his hardest not to cry. Without a word, Jonah got up and left the house, going to Daniel and Corbyn's house.

Jonah regretted everything. Jack was, is, his entire world. Jonah felt awful. How could he ever think he could live without Jack? It just wasn't possible. The older brunette knew he was the only one to blame, he wasn't there for Jack, but Jack was always there for Jonah, he always answered Jonah's calls even when he was busy. He knew Jack loved him, or at least he used to, but does he still?

"Hey Jo," Daniel said softly as he walked into the guest room.

"Hi," Jonah let out weakly. Daniel sat down cross cross on the bed, running his fingers through Jonah's hair.

"Why don't you text him? Maybe he feels the same way," Daniel suggested.

"Is it even worth it? If he doesn't I don't know if I can handle my heart being broken any more," Jonah frowned. Daniel just sighed.

"But if he feels the same way, you'll live in regret your whole life. You never know Jo," Daniel tried to convince the boy, hating to see him so broken.

"Okay, I'll text him."

"Okay, let me know how it goes. I'll get some lunch ready for you downstairs."

"Thanks, Dani."

"No problem Jo."

Daniel left the room, then Jonah grabbed his phone. He opened the message app, ignoring all of the texts from his family checking up on him. He opened Jack's contact, which he never changed.

Hi, I miss you

My Jacky♥️
It's been 3 months Jonah, move on.

Please Jack, I'm begging you
I love you so much, and I miss you.
I regret breaking up with you everyday,
life is torture without you

My Jacky♥️
I miss you too, but I think it's time we
both move on with our lives. I'm sorry Jonah

I understand. Bye Jack

My Jacky♥️
Bye Jonah, take care

You too. I'm only one call away
if you need anything.

My Jacky♥️
Same here. Bye Jo

Bye Jack

Jonah put his phone down and tears immediately fell down his face. His love, his world, his absolute everything was gone.

"Jo? Lunch is ready," Corbyn spoke from outside the door.

"I'm not hungry."

Corbyn sighed before walking into the room. He frowned when he saw his best friend's state.

"Oh Jo."

"He didn't want me back. He doesn't love me anymore," Jonah sobbed. Corbyn frowned before laying in bed with Jonah, allowing the boy to sob into his chest. He rubbed the older boy's back and kissed his forehead.

"It's okay Jo, you'll be okay," Corbyn said softly.

"How will I be okay without him? He kept me happy Corbs, I can't do this."

"Yes you can Jo, I know you can. I know breakups are hard but you'll get through this, and I'm always here for you and so is Daniel."

"Thank you."

"Of course."

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