Chemistry pt 2 - Dorbyn

528 27 8

Type: fluff
Warnings: homophobia (no slurs)
Wc: 872
Requested by: ranboolsmycomfort

🧸✨ haters are just jealous, keep doing what you love

Third person

"Dani? Can we tell everyone?" Corbyn asked, laying on his boyfriend's chest.

"Of course, how do you want to do it?"

"Well, basically everyone in the school follows you, so you could post something on Instagram to announce it," Corbyn suggested.

"Sounds good, want me to do it now?"


Daniel pulled out his phone and held it where Corbyn could see the screen. He opened Instagram and chose out a couple photos from his camera roll.



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seaveydaniel my precious darling <3 @corbynbesson

corbynbesson you're the sweetest 🥺💗
seaveydaniel that's you honey <3
jonahmarais Dani boy actually has feelings, congrats 🥳
seaveydaniel thanks bro
imzachherron the cutest couple
jackaverymusic so proud of u guys!
heyimjackson disgusting
seaveydaniel you better not touch him
heyimjackson no promises Seavey


Daniel put his phone down and held Corbyn closer.

"What was Jackson talking about?" Corbyn asked quietly.

"Nothing sweetheart, but let me know if he gives you any trouble, okay?"


•the next day at school•

The newly announced couple walked into school hand in hand, not a single eye was not looking at them. Corbyn moved closer to Daniel for comfort, he wasn't used to all of this attention.

"You okay sweetheart?" Daniel asked softly.

"I'm not used to attention like this," Corbyn replied. Daniel smiled at the boy.

"You'll get used to it, and we're almost at our lockers."

They eventually made it to their lockers, they put their backpacks in and pulled out everything they need for Chemistry. They walked hand in hand to class.

They sat next to each other, and as usual, every eye was on them.

"Dani, I'm uncomfortable," Corbyn whispered. Daniel frowned and wrapped his arms around him.

"Focus on me honey, not them. They'll be bored of us soon enough," Daniel replied softly. Corbyn leaned up and pecked Daniel's lips, which made a few people in the class awe. Corbyn leaned against Daniel until the bell rang, then he sat up in his seat but they still kept their hands connected under the desk.


Daniel was in the cafeteria with his friends, and Corbyn was at his locker. He had to text his mom something quickly so he told Daniel he'd meet him at the cafeteria.

As Corbyn was texting his mom, he was pushed against the locker. He shut his eyes quickly but then slowly opened them. He panicked when he saw Jackson.

"Hey my precious darling," Jackson said, imitating Daniel's caption.

"What do you want from me?" Corbyn asked, trying not to show that he's afraid.

"I know you're afraid Corbyn, don't try to hide it," Jackson said as he put his arm on Corbyn's neck, making him lose air. Corbyn struggled to get out of his grip.

"Hey! Get off of him!" A voice shouted. Corbyn looked and saw Jonah running towards them. He yanked Jackson off of Corbyn and shoved him onto the ground. "Don't you dare ever touch him like that again."

Corbyn sat on the floor and held his knees up to his chest, he cried into his own arms.

Zach and Jack ran over to him, trying to make sure he's okay.

"I want Daniel," Corbyn cried.

"Okay Corbs, we'll get Daniel, it's okay," Jack said softly. Jack pulled out his phone and called Daniel, telling him to get there fast.

Only a few minutes later, Daniel came running into the hallway. As soon as he saw Jonah pinning Jackson down and Corbyn crying, he knew what had happened. He ran over to Corbyn, which made Jack and Zach move. He pulled the boy into his lap and held him tightly.

"Oh darling, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you," Daniel said softly. Corbyn clung onto Daniel like his life depended on it. "Are you okay honey?"

Corbyn looked up at Daniel, which made Daniel's heart break. Corbyn's eyes held so much sadness and his neck was beginning to bruise. Daniel gently ran a hand over the forming bruise.

"What did he do to you?"

"He pushed me against the locker and tried to choke me," Corbyn cried. Daniel frowned then began to rub his back and caress his face.

"How about we go to my house for the rest of the day, I don't want you to be scared," Daniel offered. Corbyn nodded. "Okay, let's stand up honey."

Daniel helped Corbyn stand up. "Go to my car sweets, I'll be right there."

Corbyn nodded and took the keys from Daniel. He then began walking out of the school. Daniel walked over to Jackson, who looked pretty beat up from Jonah.

"Don't you ever even think about touching my boyfriend ever again," Daniel snarled at the boy. He then kicked his rib before walking away, leaving Jonah to deal with him.

He made it out to his car and got into the driver seat, he smiled at Corbyn and placed a hand on his knee. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, let's just go."

Daniel nodded before starting the car and driving home.

•at Daniel's house•

The two were cuddling on Daniel's bed. Daniel held his boy close to him, he felt protective over Corbyn.

"Thank you Dani."

"For what?"


"You're welcome bub."

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