Ultrasound - Zonah

869 35 11

Type: fluff
Warnings: very short
Wc: 375

🧸✨ you don't need anyone else's approval, it's your life

Third person

Zach smiled down at his large stomach as he ran his hand over it, feeling the kicks from his baby boy.

"I love you so much baby, daddy is always going to be here for you," Zach whispered. The baby kicked against Zach's hand, as if he was saying that he heard him.

Zach decided to wait until his birth to name him, he knew a name would come to him naturally as soon as he saw his baby.

Zach remembered he had an ultrasound that day, he got off of the couch and slowly made his way to the bottom level of his apartment.

"Hey Zach," Amie, the receptionist, said to the boy.

"Hi Amie," Zach replied. Since Zach moved in when he first found out he was pregnant, Amie was there for him and helped him with anything he needed. The girl was only a few years older than Zach, she was 23 and needed a stable job so she decided to become a receptionist. They quickly became good friends.

"Good luck," Amie said with a smile, knowing he was going to an appointment.

"Thanks," Zach replied. He gave her one last smile before walking (more like wobbling) out to his car. He got into the driver seat and drove to the hospital.

•at the appointment•

The doctor was rubbing the wand around Zach's stomach, looking at the almost fully grown baby on the screen.

"He still looks healthy Zach. Have you been keeping up with your exercise?" Dr Brynn asked.

"Yeah, I've been walking to and from work everyday," Zach answered.

"That'a great! And I'm assuming you'd like a photo?" Brynn asked.

"Yes please." Zach liked to get a photo of his baby every ultrasound so he could look back at them one day.

Brynn took a photo then helped Zach wipe off his stomach.

"I'll be right back with the printed photo," Brynn said as she left the room. Zach opened his phone and looked through the photos he had with Jonah. They looked so happy, but that all changed when Zach got pregnant.

The young boy let out a sigh as he looked at a photo of him and Jonah where they were both smiling widely with their foreheads touching.

"You left us."

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