Drunken mistakes - Jorbyn

763 35 3

Type: fluff
Warnings: strong language, substance abuse
Wc: 955
Requested by: I forget, sorry 😅

🧸✨ You deserve to be happy

Third person

Corbyn sat in the living room, watching whatever was on cable, as he waited for his husband, Jonah, to get home. Recently Jonah had been going out a lot more at night without telling Corbyn where he was.

After another 15 minutes, Jonah walked into the house, drunk. Corbyn walked over to him and sighed deeply.

"What's your problem?" Jonah slurred.

"My problem is that you keep going out at night and get fucking wasted or high. That's my problem Jonah!" Corbyn shouted, finally being fed up with his bullshit. "My problem is that you keep going out without telling me where you are, then you come home like nothing happened and the next morning you apologize to make it better. I'm so fucking sick of this Jonah, either you care about me or you don't and I'm going to need a direct, soberly made answer by tomorrow morning or else I'm out of here for good."

"So you think I don't love you? I fucking get you presents all the time, I make sure you're taken care of by someone, I make sure you have a place to stay!" Jonah argued.

"This isn't love Jonah, I don't want your money, I don't want your presents. I just want you! Why don't you understand that?" Corbyn shouted. Tears ran down his cheeks, he couldn't hold them in anymore.

"You're so selfish Corbyn. I can't fucking believe you!" Jonah yelled. He threw the empty beer bottle in his hand towards Corbyn's head. Corbyn ducked and the glass smashed against the wall behind him.

The younger brunette looked at the older boy with a hurt expression.

"Fine, be that way. I don't want to see you until you're completely sober and have decided you're done with this bullshit," Corbyn stated before walking up the stairs. He turned around when he reached the top step. "And you can sleep on the couch tonight."

He walked into their bedroom, although it only feels like his bedroom from the lack of nights that Jonah has spent in it with him, then he quickly took off his shirt and pants and laid in the bed. Corbyn pulled the blankets over his body, cuddling into his pillow and letting out a heart aching sob. "I just want my Jobear back."

•the next morning•

Corbyn woke up to gentle knocks on the door.

"What?" Corbyn shouted out.

"Can we talk, please?" Jonah asked quietly from the hall.

"Are you sober?"

"Yes, just please let me in," Jonah pleaded. Corbyn sighed before getting out of bed. He threw jogging pants on over his boxers but stayed shirtless. He unlocked the door and opened it, seeing an ashamed Jonah standing in front of him.

"What?" Corbyn asked, slightly rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the argument last night, I'm sorry for almost hitting you with the bottle, I'm sorry for everything I've ever put you through. I know being with me is probably the worst decision you've ever made, but thank you for staying with me for all of this time. I'm so fucking sorry Corbs," Jonah said sadly, maintaining eye contact with Corbyn. Both men had watery eyes, Corbyn wanted to forgive Jonah, but a sorry doesn't fix everything.

"You've hurt me in ways I never thought I could be hurt by. You've destroyed me and put me back together over and over again. You have made me believe in love, but also made me believe that love was never achievable. You hurt me Jonah, there's no taking that back," Corbyn said.

"I know I've hurt you, and hurting you is my biggest regret. You have put up with so much that you should've never had to put up with. I have made so many mistakes and you have given me so many chances. All I ask for now is one last chance, if I fuck it up and you want to leave, I understand. I understand if you don't even want to give me another chance, but I promise I won't mess up. Nothing is worth losing you."

Corbyn looked down at his hands and picked at his nails. He thought for a while, he thought about what could happen if he didn't have Jonah, if he just left right now, but he also thought about what could happen if he gave Jonah another chance. He wanted more than anything to have his Jonah back, the Jonah that he knew when they started dating.

Corbyn took a deep breath before looking back up at Jonah and locking eyes with him.

"I don't forgive you, but I'll give you another chance. But even a small mistake and I'm gone, you've lost my trust, and you need to earn it back. But no more going out at night, no more alcohol for a while, no more lying, okay?" Corbyn confirmed.

"I promise I will never do anything to make you feel that I am unworthy of your love. I promise to never go anywhere without telling you every detail, I promise to never touch alcohol again unless if it's in a controlled environment where you are right by my side. I promise to be the best version of myself at all times," Jonah said softly. "I promise to be better."

Corbyn smiled widely before hugging Jonah. He wrapped his arms tightly around the older's neck while Jonah wrapped his arms around Corbyn's waist. "I'm so sorry for everything, I'll be better."

"I trust your word, I just want my Jobear back," Corbyn mumbled.

"You have me forever bubba, I'm not going anywhere."


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