Shopping - Dorbyn

722 31 40

Type: fluff
Warnings: none
Requested by: dorbyn4ever
Wc: 2473

🧸✨ you deserve so many amazing things

Third person

"Hey bub, we're going out with the guys today, is that okay?" Corbyn asked the younger boy from across the kitchen island.

"Yeah! We haven't had a day where we were just hanging out and not working in a while," Daniel answered with a smile.

"Okay, we're leaving in 30 minutes," Corbyn said. Daniel nodded before quickly finishing the dishes and going upstairs to change.

When they were both changed they got into Corbyn's car and he started driving them.

"Where are we meeting them?"

"At the mall," Corbyn replied. He reached his hand over and locked his and Daniel's hands together in the younger's lap. Daniel smiled and looked out the window.

•at the mall•

Corbyn found a parking spot relatively close to the doors, he got out of the car then ran over to Daniel's side and opened the door for him.

"Thank you," Daniel said as he exited the car. Corbyn smiled at him and took his hand into his before locking the car and walking towards the mall. As they got closer, Daniel noticed their group of friends, but he also noticed someone that he's not so fond of. Lera. She was always all over Corbyn and flirted with him every chance she got.

They walked over to the group, Daniel doing so with a fake smile.

"Corbs!" Lera exclaimed. She ran over to him and hugged him tightly. Corbyn let go of Daniel's hand to hug her back. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Hey Lera," Corbyn replied. They pulled away from the hug and Lera put her hands on his shoulders.

"My god! I didn't think you could get any taller!"

Daniel rolled his eyes, apparently every time Corbyn sees Lera he's taller, even though he's been the same height for 2 years now.

"Thanks I guess," Corbyn chuckled. Lera took her hands off of Corbyn before looking at Daniel.

"Hi Daniel," Lera welcomed. Although she meant to seem welcoming, her voice was portraying the opposite.

"Hi," Daniel replied, trying to keep the interaction short.

"You guys ready to go in?" Zach questioned.

"Yeah, let's go," Daniel agreed quickly. The group of 7 walked into the mall. (Wdw boys, Lera, and Eben)

"Can we get food? I'm starving," Jack said.

"Sure!" Everyone agreed.

They walked to the food court and made a plan to meet at the table in the middle since it was the biggest.

"Corby, where are you going?" Daniel asked quietly. He always hated getting food alone because he didn't like ordering.

"I think I'm getting Chinese food, what do you want lov-."

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