His love - Jachary

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type: fluff
warnings: none
wc: 807

🧸✨ you will find your person, trust the universe

Third person

Jack was not a people person. He didn't have any friends, and he never tried to make any. He struggled with being shy when he grew up, so that automatically put him in a separate crowd. As he grew up he noticed that less and less people actually enjoyed his presence, so he decided that being alone was better. That was until he met Zach.

Zach had lightened up Jack's entire world ever since they met. Zach is Jack's person, his love, his entire world. He loved Zach more than anything or anyone, and everyone in the school knew that. Nobody thought Jack would ever find love, even the boy himself figured he'd be single his whole life. But Zach gave him a chance, he was there for him whenever he needed. Zach loved him.

Jack walked into the school with his arm around Zach's waist, holding him close to keep other guys from staring at him. Zach loved how protective Jack was, he loved the feeling of knowing that he had protection at all times. He loved the fact that he was Jack's and Jack was his.

As Zach got catcalled in the halls (like usual), Jack gave each and every person that looked his way a death glare. They lived in the sketchy side of town so basically every guy at their school was high and a total douchebag. Zach just smiled up at Jack, not really bothered by the whistles or comments, as he knew Jack would protect him.

They eventually made it to their lockers, which were right next to each other's. They both put their backpacks in and pulled out everything they needed for first period, which was History. They both hated the class but whenever they studied together Jack would give Zach a "treat" when they were done, so that made the class tolerable.

As they sat in History, Jack's hand was rested against Zach's thigh, gently rubbing the fabric of his jeans as their teacher talked. Zach placed his hand on top of Jack's and smiled over at him, Jack smiled back a genuine smile before writing Zach a note. He handed the boy the sticky note and Zach smiled as he read it.

"I love you baby <3" the note said. Zach wrote on it before handing it back.

"I love you more."

"Mr Avery and Mr Herron are you passing notes in my class?" Mrs Buchanan asked. She had a smile on her face, she knew the two were together and totally shipped them.

"No ma'am," Jack answered, causing Zach to let out a giggle. Jack quickly took the note off of the table and laughed a little bit. Mrs Buchanan just shook her head with a smile before returning back to her lesson.

Anyone that looked at the pair could tell that they were totally in love. Anyone could tell that they had completely fallen for each other and had no other worries in their minds.

•after school•

The couple ran out of the school giggling and laughing as they reached Jack's red convertible car. Jack opened the passenger seat door for Zach, watching as he got into the car. He shut the door before walking to the other side and getting into the driver seat. He leaned over the center console and pulled Zach's head closer before pulling him into a passionate kiss. Zach smiled widely into the kiss, which made Jack smile as well.

They pulled away from the kiss and Jack snuck in one more peck before pulling out of the parking space and leaving the school parking lot.

When Jack got to the main road, he turned right instead of left.

"Where are we going?" Zach questioned.

"It's a surprise, beautiful," Jack replied, kissing Zach's hand. Zach just smiled then leaned back in his seat, enjoying the feeling of the wind against his face.

About 30 minutes later, the two arrived at their favourite stargazing hill. It was at a hidden park so they enjoyed the privacy it gave them. Zach grinned over at Jack before quickly getting out of the car.

"I'll race you to the top!" Zach exclaimed then took off. Jack quickly got out of the car and began chasing after Zach. Zach squealed as he was pushed to the ground when they made it to the top. Jack hovered over him, smiling down at him. Zach giggled at him.

Jack slowly leaned down and connected their lips together.

"Holy shit I love you so much," Jack mumbled against Zach's lips.

"I love you too."

In that moment, Jack realized that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the boy. He may hate everyone, but it's everyone but his love.

Ugh, the "I hate everyone but my person" type guys are ✨attractive✨

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