Sick - Jarbyn

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Type:  fluff
Warnings: vomiting, sickness

You've been sitting for a while. Go stretch, get some water and a snack. Take care of yourself 💛

Third person

Corbyn awoke from his sleep to a loud alarm. His head was pounding and he was sweating all over. He unplugged his phone and checked the time, it was 7:00am.

He rolled out of his bunk and went to the front room to see who else was awake. It turned out that he was the last one awake.

"Good morning cutie," Jack said happily. He stood up and walked over to Corbyn, he hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.

"Good morning Jacky," Corbyn replied quietly.

The pair pulled away from the hug and Jack inspected Corbyn's face with a frown.

"Are you okay love? You look really flushed," Jack asked, he was concerned for his boyfriend.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm always warm when I wake up," Corbyn lied. Jack nodded then went back to the couch.

Corbyn walked to the back room and began getting dressed and ready for the day. He put on a black hoodie and black skinny jeans. He quickly styled his hair then splashed his face with cold water to wake him up a little bit.

As he was drying his face, he suddenly felt nauseous. He quickly leaned over the toilet and threw up clear liquid due to the lack of food in his system.

He quickly flushed the toilet and wiped his mouth before anybody noticed that he was gone for too long.

"Corbyn! You ready to leave?" Jonah shouted.

"Coming!" Corbyn replied. He quickly grabbed his phone off of the counter then ran to catch up with the guys.

*at the interview*

Corbyn held a pillow to his stomach, attempting to sooth the uneasiness. He kept his arms crossed to also hide the fact that he was sweating through the hoodie.

"Corbs, she asked you a question," Jack said quietly while rubbing Corbyn's knee.

"Oh, sorry. What did you ask?" Corbyn asked, slightly embarrassed.

"It's alright. I just had a question from a fan, when did you know you wanted to go into music?" The interviewer, Amanda, asked.

"I've loved music and singing since I was young. And I always knew that it would be a hobby of mine, but I knew I wanted to pursue it as a career in high school," Corbyn explained. Amanda nodded with a smile. Corbyn looked down and zoned out again. He tried to think of happy things but that was almost impossible when his head was pounding like a hammer and his stomach was swirling around like waves at a beach.

Corbyn suddenly got a huge wave of nausea and got up from the couch. He dropped the pillow and began to run, trying to find the nearest bathroom.

He ran and ran until he finally found a bathroom. He ran in and hunched over the toilet just in time before he threw up.

Only a few moments later someone came running in and began to rub Corbyn's back.

"It's okay baby, you're alright," they comforted. Corbyn smiled slightly when he heard the sound of his boyfriend's voice.

When he was finally done, he pulled away from the toilet and pushed down the handle to flush it. Jack grabbed a paper towel and wiped Corbyn's mouth.

Jack held Corbyn close to him and played with his hair while periodically placing kisses on his head. "Why didn't you tell me that you're sick baby?" Jack asked softly.

"I didn't want to disappoint you or make it seem like an excuse," Corbyn mumbled. Jack frowned and kissed Corbyn's forehead.

"Your health is more important than an interview, or show, or meet and greet. You need to tell me when you're sick so you can rest, okay?"

"Okay, I'm sorry," Corbyn said sadly.

"Don't be sorry angel, let's get you to the hotel."

Jack stood up then helped Corbyn stand up. He wrapped his arm around Corbyn's waist and held him close. They continued walking until they made it to the room that they were being interviewed in.

"Is everything okay?" Jonah asked.

"Corbyn's sick. I'm going to take him back to the hotel. You guys can either continue or we can reschedule. But Corbyn really needs to rest," Jack explained. Corbyn put his head into Jack's shoulder and whined a little bit. "I know love, we're going now."

"Okay, we'll figure it out, you guys just head back," Jonah explained.

"Thanks Jo," Jack said gratefully. Corbyn pulled away from Jack and held his hand. The couple then began walking to the car.


By the time they were at the hotel, Corbyn was asleep in the passenger seat. Jack smiled slightly, he looked so peaceful.

Jack got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. He opened the door then cradled Corbyn in his arms.

Jack walked into the hotel and made his way to the elevators.

When he made it to their room he placed Corbyn down on the bed.

"Jacky?" Corbyn mumbled.

"Yes my love?" Jack asked softly. He brushed some hair out of Corbyn's face and kissed his forehead.

"Can we cuddle?"

"Of course baby."

Jack got into the bed beside Corbyn and let him rest his head on his chest. "I love you so much Corbs."

"I love you too Jacky."

Jack smiled down at the sleepy boy as he watched him fall asleep in his arms.

"Sleep well baby."

Jack smiled before also falling asleep.

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