Wattpad pt.2 - Janah

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Part 2 of "Wattpad - Janah"

type: fluff
Warnings: none
Wc: 1191

🧸✨ just a reminder that you are loved, don't give up

Third person

Jack and Jonah have now been together for 2.5 months, they're both incredibly happy with each other. Staying private has been hard for the two, but Jack definitely wasn't ready to come out to anyone else. Jonah respected Jack's boundaries and totally understood, as he had only come out a month before they started dating.

Jack and Jonah were laying in Jack's bed, Jack was laying on top of Jonah with his head tucked into the older boy's neck. Jonah had his arms around Jack and gently rubbed his back. The other three guys were out shopping so the pair decided to have some time together to cuddle.

"Jobear?" Jack mumbled.

"Yes bubba?" Jonah replied. He placed a few kisses against Jack's temple.

"I love you," Jack whispered. Jonah smiled widely. Jack lifted his head off of Jonah's chest and looked him in the eyes.

"Really?" Jonah asked excitedly. Jack nodded his head.

"Yes, I love you more than anything Jo," Jack said softly. Jonah smiled even wider then pecked Jack's lips.

"I love you so much Jack, you make me so so happy," Jonah replied. Jack giggled before lowering himself so he can kiss Jonah. Their lips brushed together for a few seconds before finally connecting. Jonah held Jack close and gently caressed his hip. Jack smiled and cupped Jonah's face with his hands.

The couple didn't even hear the other guys come into the house, before they knew it someone bursted through the door.

"Hey Ja-" Zach quickly cut himself off. "Alrighty then."

Jack quickly got off of Jonah and hid under the blankets. Zach awkwardly left the room and walked back downstairs. Jonah turned to Jack and saw him trembling under the blanket. Jonah frowned and rubbed Jack's back.

"Are you okay bub?" Jonah asked softly. Jack shook his head, he didn't want anyone to know his secret, he felt safe when only Jonah knew, but now Zach knows too. "Come here love."

Jack couldn't move, his body completely shut down on him. He had unstoppable tears running down his face, he was shaking uncontrollably, and his chest was tightening, which made it hard for him to breath. "Jacky, I need you to take a few deep breaths for me, you're panicking."

Jack tried to take a breath, but that resulted in him crying even more. Jonah helped Jack sit up, he knew he would be able to breath better that way. He brought Jack onto his lap so he was straddling him. Jonah rubbed up and down Jack's back and gently swayed back and forth.

"You're okay Jack, it's okay, you're safe bubba, I'm here," Jonah said soothingly. He didn't want his boyfriend to have a panic attack, he knew he was on the verge of having one.

"I-I'm not ready Jo," Jack choked on his sobs.

"I know baby, I know, I'm so sorry, I should've paid more attention," Jonah replied. He held Jack even tighter and placed a few soft kisses on his neck.

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