Cancer - Zonah

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Type: fluff
Warnings: somewhat sad, sickness, throwing up, strong language, VERY LONG

No matter how down you feel, you are beautiful and you'll get through this ❤️

Third person

Zach sat on the check up chair, his jaw dropped and tears were now visible in his eyes. He just heard the words "you have cancer".

He didn't know what to do. He was a healthy person, he ate right and kept up with his exercise. What had he done wrong to be punished with such a disease?

"I'm so sorry Zach," the doctor said softly, "luckily we caught it early enough that we can treat it. I'll let you go home and process it before we discuss your treatment plan."

Zach sent her a small nod and wiped away his tears. "Is there anyone you would like to call?"

"No, I think I'll just head home now," Zach mumbled. "Thank you."

He stood up and walked gloomily to his car. It felt like the walk of shame, like he had done something wrong to deserve this. He always tried to be positive and stay smiling, but a smile felt so foreign to him at the moment.

As soon as he got into his car he broke down into uncontrollable sobs. He kept thinking about how he can't control it, which made him panic even more.

It was about half an hour before he was calm enough to drive. He had decided to go to the appointment alone because he thought it was just something small and he'd be fine without someone there. He now knew that it was a big mistake, all he wanted was a comforting hug from someone.


When Zach arrived at home he shut off the car and walked into the house. He knew he looked like a mess, his eyes were bloodshot and there were evident tear stains on his cheeks. His hair was messy and sticking out every way possible. He didn't care though, he didn't care about much at this point, he just wanted to sleep away the pain.

As soon as he entered the house his boyfriend, Jonah, came over to him.

"Hey baby, how was the appointment?" Jonah asked as he entered the front entrance. He looked at Zach and frowned at his appearance. The younger boy looked over at his older boyfriend with teary eyes. "What's wrong my love?"

Zach just broke down in tears. He didn't know how to tell the love of his life that he was dying. Nobody should ever have to tell somebody that. Jonah frowned and pulled the younger boy into a tight hug. "Shh baby, calm down. It's okay," Jonah soothed. He still had no idea what was going on, but he decided to wait until Zach was calmed down to ask.

"It's not okay Jo, I'm not okay," Zach sobbed.

"What do you mean love?"

"I, I have c-cancer," Zach cried. Jonah stood in shock. His body tensed up and tears appeared in his eyes. A few tears fell as he subconsciously tightened his grip on the younger boy. "I'm dying Jo."

"Shh baby. You're not going to die. You'll be okay."

The pair pulled away from the hug and Jonah gently wiped Zach's tears with a sad smile. "We'll get you the treatment that you need, we'll do whatever you need to do. I don't care how difficult it is."

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