Fuck you too - Jachary

880 30 2

Type: fluff
Warnings: swearing, kinda sexual scene
Wc: 353

🧸✨ a bad day does not mean a bad life

Third person

Zach was having a bad day. He woke up from an awful sleep because he nearly melted due to the high temperature in his and Jack's room, and he was just overall grumpy. The guys could tell he was in a bad mood, so they just said simple good mornings but didn't try to engage in conversation with the boy.

Jack, however, barely even noticed his odd mood and tried to talk to his baby. Zach continued pushing him off of him, but Jack kept coming back.

Jack kissed Zach's neck softly then laid his chin on the boy's shoulder as Zach watched tv. The younger boy shrugged Jack off and stormed up to their room, just wanting to be alone.

Jack followed him, not wanting Zach to be too angry with him.

When Jack opened the door, Zach groaned.

"Can you not tell I came up here to get rid of you?" Zach asked, raising his voice.

"What do you mean 'get rid of me'?" Jack questioned.

"Oh my fucking god. You've been on me all fucking morning. I need a god damn minute without you and you can't even give me that," Zach shouted, standing up to face Jack, who had a few inches on him.

"Bubba, calm down," Jack said soothingly.

"You expect me to calm down but you're the one pissing me off!"

Zach moved over to the door, about to open it and leave. Before he could, Jack turned him around and pushed him up against the closed door. He connected their lips into a lust filled kiss. There was no such thing as slow anymore, only anger and passion in the kiss.

Jack brought his hand up to Zach's neck, gently squeezing it to show his dominant side. He gripped Zach's bum tightly with the other hand.

They eventually pulled away a few short minutes later. They were both panting as they looked into each other's eyes.

"Fuck you," Zach panted out.

"Fuck you too," Jack replied with a small chuckle. He pulled the boy back into a rough kiss before they enjoyed their eventful morning.

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