Elevator - Why Dont We

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Idea from: @cumto_brazil

Type: fluff
Warnings: none

Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness - Khalil Gibran

Third person

Why Don't We walked into the hotel that they would be spending their night in before their show the next day. Zach looked at the elevator in fear, he silently prayed that his four boyfriends would choose the stairs, but they of course chose to take the elevator.

The youngest boy hesitantly followed the others into the tight elevator. He went to a corner and held onto the railing for dear life. He was shaking a little bit but none of the other boys seemed to notice.

He watched in fear as the others just made conversation.

All of the sudden, the elevator stopped moving, which made Zach start freaking out. He broke down into sobs and sat on the ground shaking. All of the other boys immediately ran over to their younger boyfriend. They all pull him into a tight hug and showered his head with kisses.

Zach leaned into the person closest to him, which was Jonah.

"Help," Zach whined.

"Shh Baby," Jonah said quietly. "Corbyn, could you call the hotel and see what's happening?"

Corbyn nodded then stood up and called the hotel. Daniel and Jack cuddled each other while Jonah attempted to sooth the sobbing boy in his arms. "Calm down baby, you're going to have a panic attack," Jonah explained. He ran a hand through Zach's hair and kissed his forehead. Zach continued to sob into Jonah's chest.

Daniel heard Zach struggling to breath and looked over at the two. He saw Zach's distressed state and alarmed Jack. The two scooted closer to Jonah and Zach and made a group hug.

"It's okay Zachy, we're here," Jack said softly. Zach shifted so now he was clinging onto Jack. Jack brought Zach onto his lap and rubbed his back while Zach had his arms around his neck. Zach cried into Jack's shoulder as the blond tried to calm him.

Jonah and Daniel were both upset, they hated seeing their baby sad like this. Daniel leaned on Jonah with teary eyes.

"Will we get out of here?" Daniel asked. Jonah sighed and kissed Daniel's head.

"Yes baby, I don't know when, but we'll be okay," Jonah soothed.

"Hey guys, the hotel said that the electricity is out and won't be back up for a few hours. We will be stuck in here until then," Corbyn said softly. Zach started crying even harder from the news. Jack rubbed his back and kissed his cheek.

"We'll be alright my love," Jack whispered. Daniel tried so hard to not cry, but a few tears slipped onto his cheeks, which made Jonah and Corbyn immediately hug him.

"Shh Dani, it'll be okay," Corbyn said softly.

"What if we die?" Daniel sobbed. Jonah frowned and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"We won't die baby. I'm sure an electrician is on their way to fix it right now. We'll be out of here before you know it," Jonah soothed. Corbyn looked at Jonah and pouted.

"I want a kiss," Corbyn whined. Jonah smiled and pecked the blond's lips softly.

"Better baby?" Jonah asked sarcastically.


Jonah chuckled under his breath at the blond then looked down at Daniel, he smiled when he saw that he was asleep. He looked over and saw that Zach was also asleep while clinging onto Jack.

Jack smiled down at the sleeping boy and moved some hair out of his face.

"So, what now?" Jack asked Corbyn and Jonah.

"We just wait I guess," Corbyn sighed. Jack nodded and gently rubbed Zach's back.

*three hours later*

Corbyn was now asleep on Jonah's shoulder and Jonah and Jack were the only ones awake. Suddenly, the elevator started to move again, which caused Jonah and Jack to smile at each other.

"Daniel, Corbs," Jonah whispered. He rubbed their shoulders and went back and forth between kissing their heads until they woke up. Corbyn and Daniel smiled lazily up at Jonah. He pecked both of their lips before helping them stand up.

"I think I'll just carry Zach, I don't want to stress him out even more, and he needs his sleep," Jack explained softly. Jonah nodded and helped Jack stand up while still holding Zach. Daniel pulled out his phone and checked the time, it was 2:00am.

They eventually made it to their floor and walked to their room. They changed into pyjamas then all laid down in bed. Jack and Zach in one bed and the other three in another.

"Jacky?" Zach whimpered tiredly.

"Hi baby," Jack said softly. He caressed Zach's face and kissed his forehead.

"When did we get out?"

"About 10 minutes ago," Jack explained. "Go to sleep baby."

Zach nodded then cuddled into Jack's chest.

All of the boys smiled contently before all going to sleep.

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