Disaster day - Zonah

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Type: age playWarnings: strong language

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Type: age play
Warnings: strong language

Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see

Third person

Jonah tiredly walked into the house that he shared with his boyfriend, Zach. He threw his bag onto the ground and took off his shoes and jacket.

"Dada?" Zach asked quietly, walking down the stairs.

"Hi darling," Jonah said softly. Zach smiled and ran into Jonah's arms. Zach had been doing age play for almost a year, and Jonah fully supported him.

"How was worky?" Zach asked, tightening his grip on his boyfriend.

"Not great angel," Jonah said, running a hand through the young boy's hair.

"Uh oh," Zach said as he pulled away from the warm embrace. "Cuddles make dada feel better?"

"I'm sure they will baby, go upstairs and I'll meet you there." Zach nodded before walking back up the stairs and into their bedroom.

Jonah walked over to the kitchen and took out a glass cup. He poured some water into it. He put his head into his hands with a heavy sigh. What he didn't tell Zach is that he got into a lot of trouble at work, and if he didn't fix it very soon then he could lose his job. He totally forgot about the glass in his hands until it slipped out of his hands and shattered into hundreds of pieces on the floor. He frowned before walking towards the broom, but he stepped on a piece of glass. "For fuck sake," Jonah shouted. He hopped around on one foot, trying to relive the pain from his cut foot. But that just resulted in him stepping on glass with his other foot, making him shout out another string of cuss words.

Zach wandered down the stairs, curious as to what was happening.

"Daddy?" Zach asked quietly.

"Fuck, you heard all of that," Jonah grumbled. He quickly regretted his choice of wording when the small boy started tearing up. Whenever Jonah swears Zach cries, it makes the younger boy feel scared. Jonah walked towards Zach, wincing in pain after every step. Zach started crying into Jonah's chest as they took each other into a tight hug. "I made my baby cry!"

Jonah rubbed Zach's back until he was totally calmed down. They slowly pulled away and Jonah kissed Zach's forehead. "Are you okay bub?" Jonah asked softly. Zach nodded.

"Are you okay Jojo?" He asked.

"I'll be just fine love," Jonah reassured. "Now, you go upstairs and I'll be up in 15 minutes, I just need to get this cleaned up."

Zach nodded before heading back upstairs. Jonah jumped onto the counter and slowly pulled each shard of glass out of his foot, each one making his foot hurt even more. He put his socks back on, planning on wrapping his feet later.

Jonah got off of the counter and grabbed the broom, he swept up the small pieces of glass then threw them out. He wiped up the water with a paper towel, he then smiled at the clean kitchen. He walked upstairs, grunting in pain with each step, to the bedroom. Zach laid on the bed, cuddling into his teddy bear, chubs, and blanket. Jonah laid down next to the half asleep boy and held him close.

"Dada?" Zach whimpered.

"I'm right here baby boy," Jonah whispered, then he gently kissed the younger's forehead. Zach smiled and cuddled into Jonah's body for warmth.

"I love you," he mumbled, his eyes still closed.

"I love you too. Now go to sleep love."

Zach nodded then drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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