Chapter thirty-five

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Ok before I start this chapter I just want to say y'all should check out this story Painted Lies by . It's a destiel AU and I love it. It's unfinished and in the works but it's honestly so worth it. It really keeps you on your toes. Like, you'll suffer... but you'll love it.


"Ok well I needed to find you boys for a reason." Ellen said, seeming stressed.

Two Winchesters and two angels focused on Ellen. Dean raised an eyebrow, "should we sit?"

Ellen shrugged, "don't really matter. But uh... boys..." Ellen wrung her hands, "Jo's back."

Dean stared and Sam scrunched his eyebrows, "b-but... Ellen how is that possible?"

"Well I imagine the same way I came back."

"Is she here?" Sam asked.

"No. I left her at the motel. I told her I'd talk to you first and then let her see you guys."

Dean nodded, "that's...that's a good idea." Before he fainted.

Cas quickly stopped his boyfriend from hitting the ground. "Why did he pass out? I thought he'd be happy?"

Gabe decided that he should speak up, "he's probably overwhelmed. I mean, Ellen and Bobby both got resurrected and now Jo? It's a lot."

Cas held Dean bridal style and went to bring him to the guest room. "Well I'm going to lay him down."

"Ok Cas." Ellen waved him off and went to sit down. "Anyone else want to black out?"

Sam shook his head and took the seat across from Ellen. "So do we get to-"

"SAM! TELL DEREK TO STOP BULLYING ME!" Stiles yelled as he walked into the room. "Oops."

Sam laughed with Bobby, Ellen and Crowley looked on in confusion. "What's he do now?"

"He keeps cheating." Stiles pouted.

"That's not true!" Derek growled as he entered the room. "You just don't know how to play the game."

Bobby raised his eyebrows, "well Sam, are you going to introduce us?"

"Oh right! Bobby this is Stiles and his boyfriend Derek. Guys this is Bobby, Ellen and Crowley."

Stiles waved before going to the fridge and grabbing something. "Anyway, Derek keeps cheating and then claims I 'suck'."

Derek mumbled something that cause Stiles to hit him. "Ow. I'm so hurt." Derek rolled his eyes.

Stiles stuck his tongue out and threw a fry at him. "I'm going to go watch Sherlock again."

Sam rolled his eyes as Stiles left the room with Derek trailing after him like a lost puppy.

Crowley had suddenly taken interest in the conversation. "Wait! He's going to watch Sherlock?" Sam nodded, "bye! I'm going to join them."

And with that Crowley practically flew out of the door. Bobby stifled his laugh as he watched the King of Hell get excited about the show. "So anyway, how've you been?"

Sam shrugged, "pretty good. Derek and Stiles are really nice. So are their friends."

Ellen smiled, "well great. I just wanted to let you know but I should get back to Jo. I'll bring her by soon ok?"

"Ok Ellen. Take care of yourself."

"You too. And don't forget to pick up the phone every once and awhile." Ellen smiled, "I'll have Crowley bring me back."


Once Ellen was gone Sam turned to Bobby. "So why's Crowley been hanging around?"

Bobby shrugged, "that idjit has nothing else to do apparently. He'll stop by every now and then to bitch about Hell."

Sam smiled, "soooo....nothing else?"

Bobby glared at his adoptive son, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing!" Sam held up his hands in surrender but was still smiling.

"Yeah well, nothing's going on between us. So forget it."

"Ok Bobby." Sam smiled as he asked another question, keeping the conversation alive.

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