Chapter thirty

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Nolan laid on his back. He was at Brett's  house to help him with a history project. The two had been hanging out a lot recently. Nolan couldn't tell if they were a thing or not. They had gone on a few dates.

Or were they just hanging out? Nolan scrunches his eyebrows.

"What's got you thinking so hard cutie?" Brett asked from the doorway.

"Are we a thing?"

"I'm pretty sure we're human." Brett laughed.

Nolan sat up, "no I mean... are we dating?"

Brett stayed quiet for a while, "do you want to be?"

Nolan thought about it, did he want to date Brett. That's an easy question, fuck yeah. Nolan smiled shyly, "yeah."

Brett smiled and flopped next to Nolan, "well then yeah, we're dating."

Nolan grinned and he leaned forward to catch Brett's lips in his. Brett froze, his brain couldn't comprehend that his crush was kissing him. Joy welled up in Brett as he moved forward to kiss back.

Nolan pulled back with a soft smiled. "We should probably work on your project."

Brett whined as he grabbed Nolan around the waist and pulled him down into the lying position. "I don't wanna! I want to sleep. And cuddle my boyfriend."

Nolan blushed, "I'll stay the night if you work on your project."

Nolan laughed as Brett jumped up and grabbed his bag. "Ok!"


"Wait what?!" Stiles cried out.

It was pack night and Lydia got to decide what they watched. She decided to put on Good Omens. Mostly everyone was engrossed in the show.

"You mean to tell me...THEY'RE JUST FRIENDS?!" Ethan pipes up.

Lydia laughs evilly and nods, "yup! Although mostly everyone says they're in love. You can see it, obviously. There are some pretty cool fanfics about them."

Stiles narrows his eyes at Lydia before he slowly opens his phone and typed something without looking. His face lights up as he scrolls through it. Derek glanced over and facepalmed when he saw his boyfriend reading a fanfic.

"Really Stiles?"

"What?! If they won't make them a couple in the show then I'll have to get my joy from fanfics."

Ethan put on something else, since they had finished Good Omens. "I'll have to do that later."

Jackson sighed and pulled Ethan close, "don't read any sad ones. I don't want to see you cry."

Thirty minutes into the movie the wolves smell sadness and tears. Instantly they're all looking around. Stiles lets out a sob as he tossed his phone down into the couch cushion.

He buried his head into Derek's shoulder as he cried. Derek looked surprised and worried as he tried to comfort his mate.

"Stiles..? What happened?" Isaac asked softly.

"He died! What the fuck?!"

Derek growled softly, "watch your language."

Stiles glared at Derek before he grabbed his phone and continued reading. Derek took the phone from him.

"No. If you're going to get upset and cry then I won't allow you to read these."

Stiles stared at Derek as if he had just suffocated a kitten, on purpose. "B-but...I need them! I promise I won't read the sad ones! Please!!"

Derek rolled his eyes but gave the phone back, smiling when Stiles let out a happy sound and settled against him.

For the rest of the night Stiles went through fanfics. Some had sad parts but always ended happily. The pack, despite pretending to be annoyed when Stiles interrupted the movie to say something, they loved that the pack were spending time together.

Derek smiled as he looked around the room at his sleeping pack. Stiles was curled up next to him, snoring lightly. Scott was on the ground with Isaac half on top of him. The girls had gone home earlier along with Parrish and Aiden.

Jackson had surprisingly stayed, curled up with Ethan on the recliner. Erica and Boyd went to their rooms at nine. Theo and Liam hadn't been able to make it.

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