Chapter thirty-eight

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It was a week later when Sam decided to take a walk through the woods. He said bye to Gabriel, who was laying on the bed in Stiles's guest room.

"I'll be back in a bit ok love?" Sam gently pet Gabe's hair.

Gabriel smiled and nodded, "I'll probably sleep."

"Ok" Sam stood up and walked to the door.

After getting to the woods, he found a small path, so he decided to follow it. It was peaceful out there and Sam enjoyed the fresh air. The past week was hard on everyone. The loss of Erica and Boyd hurt a lot. Derek still blamed himself, he hadn't said anything, but it was plain to see.

Sam hadn't walked far when he saw someone walking around in a white nightgown. Or at least that's what it appeared to be. Sam cautiously approached the woman and hoped she wasn't some supernatural creature. He hadn't brought anything to defend himself besides the demon knife.

"Um... excuse me, miss? Are you lost?" Sam stayed a good few feet away as she turned around.

The woman seemed startled to see someone else, but Sam was definitely more shocked. "Yes, I don't know how I ended up here. Wherever 'here' is."

"Jess?" Sam asked breathlessly. This had to be a trick.

The woman cocked her head to the side before she brightened up, "Sam?"

Sam slowly nodded his head. "H-how are you here? You died!"

Jess shrugged. "I don't know. I remember being in Heaven. Or at least I guess that's what it was. Then suddenly I'm here in the middle of the woods." Jess glanced around. "Your hair grew."

Sam left out a disbelieving laugh. "Yeah, it grew a bit. I've been dead for over ten years."

Jess frowned. "Really?"

Sam nodded. "Uh, why don't I bring you back to the house and we can get you checked up."

Jess nodded and happily followed Sam. She silently studied her boyfriend...or ex-boyfriend now she supposed. 10 years. That was a long time. Jess wondered if Sam had dated anyone else. Was he dating someone now? Sam seemed to be different. Of course that happens to someone after ten years.

Jess mulled over her thoughts and how much had changed. Sam held himself differently, as if he was expecting something to jump out at him. The Sam she had known was gone. Replaced with a new man who had a different outlook to life.

"So Sam, what else has changed?" Jess clasped her hands in front of her while glancing at Sam.

Sam shrugged, "Umm, my dad died. Dean and I became FBI's most wanted for a while. Dean almost died a few times."

Jess raised her eyebrows. "Well, you boys have been busy."

Sam smiled lightly at Jess before looking forward again. It was weird seeing Jess again. She'd been dead for a long time and Sam had gotten over her. He was in love with Gabriel, and nothing would change that. There was just something in him that felt as if he should be happier to see Jess.

The house was in view now and Sam was starting to feel uneasy. He wasn't sure how he was going to explain this to everyone. They got to the front door and Sam opened it, letting Jess step through first.

Sam walked in and headed to the living room. There he found Dean and Cas cuddling. Stiles and Derek were sitting on the love seat. Gabe was sitting next to Cas and Ethan sat next to Gabe. Jackson was sitting on the armchair and Lydia and sitting on the ground.

They all glanced up when Sam walked in. Although they did a double take when they saw someone walk in behind him. Dean sat up abruptly and stared. Gabe was also staring.

"Uhm, Sammy? Who is that?" Stiles asked as he leaned against Derek more.

Sam fidgeted and moved so that Jess could be seen better. "This is Jess. She was my girlfriend in college."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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