Part sixteen

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Sam groaned at the sunlight streaming through the window. He really didn't want to get up but he knew he needed to talk with his brother about the pack.

"Sam get up."

"Noooo! I don't wanna!" Whined the younger Winchester.

The person beside him laughed and kissed Sam's neck. "Yes but you still have to. Plus I have to get going before Dean opens the door."

Sam groaned and turned around. "Can't you stay longer? I wanna cuddle with you more!"

"Just a few more minutes. That's it though Sam."

Sam smiled happily and buried his head into the warm chest. "I really missed you." He mumbled.

"I missed you too, Moose."


"Sam! Get down here!" Dean calls. He didn't bother going upstairs.

A few minutes later and he heard footsteps stumble down the stairs. Sam emerged, buttoning his shit. Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Rough night?"

Sam lowered his head so dean couldn't see his blush, "no."

Dean laughed. "Ok well, we are not going to hurt the pack at all. Instead we are going to help them with a new threat."

Sam nodded as he sat down on the couch, "ok sounds good. What's the threat?"

Dean stares at Sam for a long time, "dude why the hell are you so happy? Did you get laid or something?"

Sam blushed again, "or something."

Dean laughed, "holy shit! Who's the chick? Or dude I guess, wouldn't be surprised though."

"Uh.. no one. You wouldn't know them."

"So it's a guy. Is it safe to assume he's still upstairs?" Dean asked with a smirk. Before Sam could say anything Dean dashed up the stairs.

Sam ran after him in case he was still in the room. Dean opened the door and saw that no one was in there.

"I swear I can explain- oh he's gone." Sam sounded thoroughly disappointed towards the end.

"Who's gone?" Stiles asked from behind the two.

Dean smirked, "Sammy's got a boyfriend!"

Stiles shrugs, "kinda already knew that."

Sam and Dean gape at him, "how could you know? Dean only just found out and he still doesn't know who it is."

Stiles stared at them like they were dumb, "in case you haven't noticed my boyfriend is a werewolf. He could hear two heartbeats coming from Sam's room. I figured it was a chick but Derek told me you were gay."

Sam looked baffled, "can you read minds too or something?"

"Nope he just noticed your reaction to the males in the pack."


Cas was bored. He had just left Dean a few hours ago but it felt like longer. Cas was in the hotel room he was sharing with his brother Gabriel. He hadn't told the Winchesters of Gabriel's return nor had he told them about the hotel room.

"Hey Cassy! What's got you moping around? Miss your boyfriend?" Gabriel flops onto the other bed.

"Yeah. Hey, where were you?" Cas asks, suddenly aware that Gabriel had been gone for a while.

"Just hanging out with a friend."


Gabriel laughs, "I just told you! A friend."

Castiel rolls his eyes, "are you going to give me a name?"

"No probably not."

"At least you're honest." After thinking for a moment he adds, "hey can I talk to you?"

Gabriel became serious as he nodded, "of course."

"I'm worried about Sam. He seems so distant and sad. I've barely seen him since we got to Beacon Hills. I know he wouldn't talk to me. Do you think you could try?"

Gabriel reluctantly nodded, "I suppose."

Castiel smiles, "thank you. Now I should probably see what Dean wants. He's been trying to get my attention ever since we started talking."

And just like that Cas had disappeared into thin air. Gabriel smiled as he sent out a text before snapping his fingers. A groan came from on top of Gabriel as the weight of a body settled.

"A little warning would have been nice!" Sam sits up, not even bothered by the fact that he's straddling Gabriel.

"I sent you a text!" Gabe exclaimed, "anyways Cas says he wants me to talk to you. Apparently you've been distant and sad and he's barely seen you since you guys arrived."

Sam sighed, "Yeah. I just missed you. He hasn't seen me because I've been with you and he's been with Dean."

Gabriel day up and wrapped his arms around Sam's waist. "Well you're worrying him! How can we make him worry less?"

Sam smiles, "tell him about us?"

Gabriel grinned back and pecked Sam's lips, "really?! You're ok with finally telling them?"

Sam nods, "pretty much everyone here is gay. The entire pack is and at least half of the parents are."

Gabriel kisses Sam again, this time longer. "I think we should get some sleep first though."

Sam laughed, "but it's only three!"

"Power nap?"

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