Part thirteen

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After Derek had left Sam and Dean went out to find him. After a while of walking they saw him running through the woods. In the span of four seconds Dean had fired his gun, Derek had fallen to the ground in pain and a scream rang out through the air.

"Derek!" Stiles came running from behind a tree line and fell down at his side.

Scott quickly ran up besides Stiles with a backpack. "Stiles here! Hurry!"

Stiles was shaking to the point where he couldn't open the zipper. Scott quickly did it for him and grabbed a blow torch out of it along with tweezers. Scott pulled the wolfsbane bullet out and then grabbed the blowtorch.

"Stiles. Stiles! You don't have to watch this. Just hold his shoulders down."

Stiles wasted no time in turning away and burying himself in Derek's neck. He could hear Scott put the flame to skin and cringe at it. Derek's eyes snapped open, the blue glowing clear through the dusk air.

Stiles held onto Derek's shoulders harder as he let out an agonizing roar. Tears slipped out of Stile's eyes as the pain filled screams of his mate filled the air.

Finally it was over. Derek sagged and lay panting as Stiles only held tighter. When Derek was healed enough he sat up and hugged Stiles, who was sobbing.

"Shhh. It's ok sti-"

"I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO LOSE YOU! You guys aren't careful enough! Just because you're werewolves and can heal super fast or run faster than humans doesn't mean you can be careless!"

Derek hung his head in shame and Scott whimpered. They both hated upsetting Stiles. Unknown to them Sam and Dean watched their little cousin cling to the werewolf they had just shot. They couldn't help but feel guilty. Sam noticed how gentle they were with his cousin and couldn't help but think that they aren't all evil.


"I know Sam."

"We have to tell Cas..."

"I know Sam."

"We should tell-"

"I know Sam!"

Scott and Derek's head whipped in the direction of the voice. Derek quickly hid Stiles behind him as he narrowed his eyes at the two hunters.

"Derek? What the hell? There's no one over there!" Stiles huffs.

"No... Sam and Dean are over there." He replies.

Stiles gains a look that would scare Peter, "SAM, DEAN GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!"

Even though Sam and Dean were older they still listened.



Just chillin' with the boss man

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Just chillin' with the boss man.
84 likes | 20 comments

@Thing1: are you doing okay babe?

@Thing2: yeah! What he said!^

@Parrish.In.Fire: I'm okay you guys! I was just filling in Sheriff on the going on's

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"So your parents are back in town, who are assholes?" Noah raises an eyebrow.

"Yup, that's the gist of it. I figured I'd tell you so that if they try calling the station for some stupid reason you will know why."

Noah glanced at the deputy, "they'd really do that?"

Jordan nodded, "they have before."

"Fucking assholes."

Jordan laughed as Noah cracked a smile. "I'm really glad I actually have an adult I can talk to."

Noah smiled at his deputy, "I'm glad too, it's nice to have someone to talk to about the shit that goes down in Beacon hills that isn't a child.

They both laughed at that. Then a thought came into Jordan's mind, "oh! Isn't Stiles's cousins in town? Maybe the pack would want to meet them, ya know so they can meet their baby cousin's friends."

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Derek said-" a phone ringing cuts him off. "Hello? Stiles what's goi- ok hold on! Slow down! What happened? Ok I'm on my way."

"What happened?"

"Derek got shot by Dean and now Stiles is freaking out. I gotta go. Get home to your boyfriend okay?"

Parrish nodded and they both went their separate ways. Noah hurried to get to the preserve. "Stiles?"

Dean and Sam turn and look at him, "Noah? Why are you here?"

"Stiles call me in hysteria. Why the hell do you think it's ok to come here and shoot my son's fucking boyfriend? What gives you the right? Just because he's a werewolf doesn't mean he's evil! He's saved my son's live many time. In fact if it wasn't for Derek being a werewolf Stile would be dead! You two can't just kill anybody and everybody just because they are supernatural! They have families, loved one."

Dean and Sam were staring at Noah like he had just told them breathing was wrong.

Stiles quickly ran over to his father and cried into his jacket. Noah's face softened and he circled his arms around his son's shoulders. "Derek are you ok?"

Derek nodded. He honestly looked like he wanted a hug as well. Noah smiled and motioned for Derek and Scott to join the hug.

It was the funniest thing to see big bad wolfie Hale just Sheriff Stilinski like he was going to die any moment.

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