Part eighteen

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One month later

The Winchester group had left with the promise to visit soon. Stiles was bored as nothing excited had happened yet. It seemed like everyone was fine coming back to life for once.

Stiles wanted someone to hold him and sooth him to sleep. If he was being honest he had barely slept the past two weeks. If Stikrs had ever taken off his shirt you would be able to count his ribs.

The last fortnight had been rough on the entire pack but especially on Stiles. He even missed Gabriel even though he pulled a few pranks on him. Stiles just wanted someone to talk to. Someone other than his friends who acted like everything was normal and ok.

"Hey Stiles?" Noah knocked on his son's door twice. "I'm going out tonight, will you be ok on your own?"

Stiles smiled, "I'll be fine dad. Have fun on your date."Noah blushed lightly and started to back out of the room. "Wait dad! I have a question, when can I start calling Scott my brother?"

Noah grew very flustered, "what? I've only just started dating his mom."

"I know." Stiles smirked as his dad tripped over his words.

"We'll talk tomorrow. I'm going to be late. Ok?" Sti nodded, "ok love you son."

"Love you too dad."

Stiles sat on his bed and sulking in his sorrows. He missed Derek terribly. It only took a second for Stiles to find the note and for the tenth time that day he reread it.

No matter how many time Stiles read it the words stayed the same: Dear Stiles, I know how much the Winchesters leaving has affected you. I want to make you feel better so I've decided to track them down and bring them back. I don't know how long that will take but I figured it would be easier to do alone. I promise I will see you soon.
I love you so much,

The paper was worn down and had blotched ink in some places where his tears had soaked into the paper. Two weeks since Derek left and Stiles hadn't heard a thing.

Depression had overwhelmed him after two days and anxiety after three. It was impossible to be around his friends anymore. All of them tried to comfort him but no one seemed to really understand how he felt.

How could they? They all had their mates with them. Tears leaked out of Stiles's eyes as he went to his bathroom and locked the door. You know those books you read or movies you watch where they slide down the door and become a sobbing mess? Yeah that was Stiles.

⚠️trigger warning: there is mentions of blood/an injury, no self harm though ⚠️

The reason Stiles kicked himself in the bathroom wasn't because he didn't want someone to come in. It was because he didn't want to be in his room. Where his mate's scent still lingered. It hurt too much.

Stiles was trying to stop himself from doing something stupid for Derek's sake but it was getting harder to bare. Stiles dig his nails into his arms, trying to keep himself sitting in the floor of the bathroom.

A few minutes later found Stiles tearing the sheets off his bed. Stiles needed Derek's scent gone, he couldn't handle it. In the process of tearing the sheets off Stile slipped and fell.

Unfortunately Stiles fell onto the metal bed frame and sliced his arm open. Stiles stared at the red starting to pool out of his arm. For some reason Stiles's felt numb. It felt like his brain had completely shut off, he couldn't remember what he was supposed to do in this situation.

Was he supposed to wash it off? Apply pressure? Wouldn't it just eventually stop bleeding? Should he go to the hospital? His thoughts were racing and standing still at the same time.

"Stiles? What are you doing?!" A voice screeched.

Stiles looked up in shock at....

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