Part nine

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When I'm with you I feel safe197 likes

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When I'm with you I feel safe

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"Stiles! Let's go! We're gonna be late!" Scott yelled as he knocked on the bathroom door.


Stiles rushed out the the bathroom and ran right into Scott sending them both tumbling down the stairs.

Scott let out a laughing and jumped up. He turned to help Stiles up when he saw him laying still. "Stiles? Stiles!"

Scott rushed to grab Stiles and get to the hospital. "Mom! Stiles is hurt!"

Melissa rushed to get Stiles into a room and started running tests. She sighed and turned to Scott. "He hit his head pretty hard. He probably had a concussion but other than a few bruises I think he's going to be ok." She raised an eyebrow, "what did happen?"

Scott's cheeks heated up and he rubbed the back of his neck, "uhh Stiles ran into me and we fell down the stairs."

Melissa rolled her eyes with a soft smile, "you boys need to be more careful!"



Hehe look at little Jackson!! 😍57 likes | 7 comments{tagged: @GiantLizard}

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Hehe look at little Jackson!! 😍
57 likes | 7 comments
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@Thing2: because I love you and wanted to show you off to everyone?

@GiantLizard: I'm not giving you cuddles for three days!

@Li.Dumbar: what kind of threat is that?


@Raeken: Li.Dumbar a powerful one apparent

@Li.Dumbar: I guess.



Sorry bitches she mine! 😜96 likes | 18 comments{tagged: @ILikeDeer}

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Sorry bitches she mine! 😜
96 likes | 18 comments
{tagged: @ILikeDeer}

@ILikeDeer: all yours baby! 😍

@ILikeScarves: I'm going to get diabetes from all this sweet shit

@ILikeDeer: OH. MY. GOD! SCOTT! ISAAC SWORE!!!!!!!!

@HotGirlScoot: he swear a lot around me

@ScreamQueen: you mean when you two are doing the dirty?

@ILikeScarves: oh my god! Lydia!

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"What are we supposed to do?" A male voice rings out.

"I don't know! Ok? I don't know! I don't know why they were after him or why we can't see him anymore. All I know is that it happened ok? I don't know everything Dean!"

The man, Dean, sighed. "I know that Sammy. Of course I know that! I'm just upset. It's been eight years I don't understand why we can't see our own cousin. You know I tried calling the other day? Noah picked up. When I asked about Claudia he said she had just passed away a week ago."

Sam's eyes widened and started to glisten a little, "no... d-did he say how?"

Dean shook his head. "I can't imagine what Stiles is going through..."


Stiles shot out of bed panting. It was the same two people from his other dream. Who are these people? He tried to get out of bed but stopped as his head pounded.

What did I do? Fall down a flight of stairs? Stiles laughed at that, he probably did.

"Stiles? Oh thank god you're finally up!" Scott smiles at him.

"How long was I out?" He questioned.

Scott shrugged, "couple hours but I was starting to get bored."

The two laughed. Stiles was glad Scott was with him. There were so many times where Stiles was afraid that Scott would leave him. He felt that about the entire pack. Sometimes he felt like he wasn't needed but then Derek would break through and show him how needed he was.

"Woah! Stiles what the hell were you thinking about? You just went through like four different emotions."

Stiles smiled, "it's nothing Scott, I'm fine. I have the pack after all."


As soon as Scott and Stiles stepped into the loft they were attacked by their boyfriends. Isaac literally tackled Scott onto the ground and curled up on his chest. Derek picked Stiles up and spun him around as he giggled.

"Derek! Put me down!!" He laughed. "Please! I'm going to throw up on you!"

Derek quickly put him down but stole a quick kiss and then walked over to the couch. "So what are we watching?"

Stiles opened his mouth to say 'star wars' but was shot down. A small pout appeared in his lips as he stared at his mate. "Please?"

Derek seriously struggled to turn down that face but he was able to get the word out to deny him, "no Stiles. We watch that way too much."

Scott and Isaac watched as Stiles hugged and curled up to Derek's side as he found something to watch.


They are supposed to be watching the movie83 likes {tagged: @SarcasticShit @SourWolf}[comments disabled]

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They are supposed to be watching the movie
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