Part twenty-one

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Castiel stretched out as he woke up with a small yawn. He rolled over onto Dean's chest and listened to the couple downstairs. He smiled at how adorable they were.

Around others Sam and Gabriel acted tough but when they were alone they were very loving. Cas found it's funny that his brother was such a bottom sometimes.

"What are you smiling about?" Dean said.

Holy shit his voice is hot in the morning! Cas blushed at his thoughts. "Just listening to Sam and Gabriel."

Dean made a face, "ew why would you want to hear that?!"

"No! Not that! Here," Cas made it so that Dean could hear as well.

Dean smiled and let out a chuckle, "Sam acts so soft around Gabriel."

"Yeah." Cas smiled and stopped listening so he could give his boyfriend all of his attention.


"So have you talked to him?"

Noah sighed and nodded, "a little bit. He seems okay with it. He's just worried about my safety."

Melissa smiled and hugged Noah, "hasn't he always?"

Noah smiled and nodded as Melissa pulled back to look him in the eyes.

"Why don't you two come over for dinner sometime and we can all talk about it?"

"That sounds perfect."


"Hey babe, how're you doing?" Aiden asked as he walked into the living room.

"I'm fine Aiden."

Aiden smiled and sat next to Jordan, "ok, I just want to make sure. You know you don't have to meet up with your parents right?"

Jordan shrugged, "I don't want to deal with them if I don't go."


Hayden sat in her room glaring at the wall. Liam was supposed to be hers! Now that bitchy, murdering Chimera stole him! Hayden was outraged. She couldn't let Liam be fooled by the lies Theo had spun.

Liam couldn't be gay, ever. It was wrong! Hayden huffed and pulled out her phone. Without even thinking she dialed in a number and held it up to her ear.

"Hello?....yes.....I need a favor..... take out Theo Raeken."

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