Part seventeen

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Sam winced at the volume and tried to curl into the body next to him. Only to find he was gone.

"Sam get the hell up!" Dean yelled.

"What? Who died?" Sam mumbled as he sat up.

"You if you don't explain why he," Dean pointed a finger at Gabriel who stood in a corner, "was in your bed."

Sam looked between to two before he flopped down and made grabby hands at Gabriel. "No. I want to sleep."

Gabriel smiled and started to walk forward but stopped when a blade pressed against his neck. "Uh s-Sam?"

"Dean let Gabe go!" Sam whined.


"He's my boyfriend. Now will you let him go?"

Dean dropped the knife but was still mad. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"At first it was cause I didn't know how you'd react, "Sam stayed as he curled into Gabriel, "then it was because I thought you'd be mad at who it was."

"Well I'm only mad you didn't tell me sooner!"

"Ok." Sam sighed and sat up again, he knew he wouldn't be getting anymore sleep, "plus we were going to tell you and the pack later."


The entire pack was sat comfortably and were only waiting on the Winchesters. Stiles was getting antsy so he grabbed Derek's hand and began to play with it.

Derek continued talking to his uncle as if nothing happened. The rest of the pack smiled gently but said nothing about it. The door being opened alerted the pack that the Winchesters were here.

There was another person behind them as they came in and sat on the floor. Sam sat on Gabriel's lap and relaxed completely.

Stiles interest mess caught by this, "Sam, who's you're boyfriend?"

Sam blushed a bit but still answered, "this is Gabriel, Gabe that's Stiles although I'm sure you already know."

Gabriel nodded and smiled. "Yup. Stiles Stilinski son of the sheriff, Alpha's mate, spark, only makes friends with supernatural creatures it appears."

Most of the pack growled at him but Scott was the one to talk, "how do you know all that?"

Gabriel shrugged, "being an angel had its perks."

Stiles looked like he was thinking. Derek tried to poke him but it didn't do anything. Suddenly Stiles sat up, "what did you mean Spark?"

Gabriel and the rest of the group grew quiet. "Well, how do I explain this. A spark is kinda like a witch but you don't need spells or wands to preform magic. Most sparks can go their whole life without realizing they have any magic. If you do manage to unlock it you need to start training right away. Untrained magic will rip the 'host' apart."

Stiles gaped, "cool! Is there websites that have more information that is correct or is it all rubbish."

Gabriel grinned, "it's all rubbish but if you want more information then...Sammy can you get up for a minute?"

Gabriel disappeared into thin air and returned a second after with three books. Once he sat down Sam moved back onto his lap. "Here. These should have all the information you need."

"Thanks!" Stiles's face lit up and he flipped through the pages.

The entire pack made various annoyed gestures or noises. They knew Stiles would be talking about this for days and longer even after he's done all the research just to annoy them.

Derek smiled at him mate before he turned to the group, "ok well let's get down to the reason we are here. Dean, Sam and Cas all agreed to leave us alone because Stiles is scary when he's mad. In return (they didn't ask for land) we are going to help them with... what did we agree to?"

Stiles looked up briefly to say, "we agreed to let them stay with us when they are in the area and if they need help, we help. Although it has to be around Beacon Hills because my dad got so pissed when I went to Mexico."

"Yeah that." Derek smiled. "Sound good?"

A variety or 'yeah' or 'yes' were heard along with a snore. Everyone turned to the direction of the noise to see Sam sleeping on Gabriel's lap. He was sitting sideways with his head in the crook or the angel's neck.

"Sorry, he's really tired. Sam didn't get much sleep last night." Gabriel explainer.

Dean leaned back from the pair, "eww! I didn't want to know that!"

Gabriel glared at him, "not because of that! He's been getting really bad nightmares. Which you would know if you were ever around at night. Instead you get a hotel room and sleep with Cas."

Dean fell silent and Cas looked away, even he had not noticed what the younger Winchester was going through. "Your right. I'm sorry."

Gabriel stiffly nodded before he turned to his brother, "Cas I don't blame you. I don't want you to feel bad ok?"

Cas turned to look at older brother and nodded. "Ok."

Dean hugged Cas to his side and turned his stare to the pack, daring them to say anything.

"Ok well, who wants to watch a movie?" Scott asked.

"I can't sorry, my mom wants me home." Liam answered, "that means you too Theo."

Aiden stood up and helped Parrish up. "I should get Jordan home."

"Ok. Bye guys. Anyone else need to leave?"

After everyone who needed to left the only ones left were, Scott, Isaac, Derek, Stiles, the Winchesters, the angels and Lydia.

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