Part twenty

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Liam woke up to a knock on the pack door. He had moved in last week along with most of the pack. Since Liam seemed to be the only one up he slipped out of Theo's arms and went downstairs.

The opened the door and immediately regretted not checking who it was.

"Liam!" Hayden shouted. She probably woke up everyone else, "well, aren't you going to hug me or something?"

"No." Liam mumbled, he wanted to go back to cuddling with Theo.

"Why not? I thought you missed me?! Don't you still love me Liam?" Hayden looked somewhere in between angry and sad. "I still love you."

"No Hayden, I don't love you anymore. I got over you. You should do the same."

"Wha- Liam! Look out behind you!" Hayden screeched.

Liam didn't even turn around to know who it was. He felt the arms around his waist and the face in his neck and smiled. "Liam come back to sleep."

Hayden stared at them in shock and disgust. "You're dating Theo? After everything he's done?! Ugh I can't believe I dated a faggot!"

Theo's head snapped up faster than you could say spaghetti. "What did you just call him?" He growled. "Listen here Hayden. You don't get to just show up and expect everything to be the way it was before. You don't get to insult my mate and you don't get to judge him. And if you think he's disgusting for being gay you sure as hell don't want to be part of this pack anymore."

Hayden was dumbstruck. She could believe Liam was dating Theo and that Theo actually cared. "Why not? Is everyone one else a disgusting Fag?"

Theo growled lowly at her and stood in front of Liam, who was shaking, "no. But we are all gay. If you have an issue with that then I suggest you run right back to the place you ran off to before. If you're going to be a homophobic asshole then you aren't wanted here."

With that Hayden ran off into the woods away from the house. Theo quickly shut the door and turned to embrace his mate.

"It's ok Liam. She's gone." Theo mumbled into Liam's shoulder.

"You know, when I saw her I thought she would be ok with it. I thought maybe we could still be friends."

"I know."


Sam woke up to someone moving around. He reached his hands upwards and grabbed what appeared to be hips. Sam remembered how he fell asleep and smiled. He didn't bother waking up Gabriel.

He lightly brushed his thumbs over the skin showing just above Gabe's waist line. His skin was soft compared to Sam's calloused hands. Gabriel was still asleep but this was Sam's favorite part of the morning.

Gabe always looked so peaceful and Sam loved just laying there cuddling. That was of course before Sam rolled Gabe onto the floor to wake him up.

"Sammy! Not nice!" Gabriel shouted as he stood up.

"Sorry baby. I'll make you breakfast to make it up to you." Sam smiled and helped his boyfriend up.



Gabriel jumped up and ran off to the kitchen. Sam followed slightly behind, laughing. Gabriel was sitting on the table, which he must have reinforced it with his angel magic.

Sam set to work on finding all the ingredients and Gabriel supplied the ones that Noah didn't have at his house. After all the pancakes were done Sam sat down at the table.

Gabriel scooped up a little bit of whipped cream and smeared it onto Sam's nose. Sam laughed and flung a bunch onto his boyfriend's face. The two were laughing so much they didn't noticed the other house occupants enter.

"Ok boys, that's enough mess making. I expect you to clean this up after breakfast." Noah said as he dished himself up.

Gabriel shrugged and in a few seconds there was no mess at all. Sam rolled his eyes and continued to eat. Stiles sat on Derek's lap and clung to him like a monkey.

Dean and Cas were holding hands and Noah would send a text to someone every so often. Sam liked this. His family eating together, something his father had almost never done.

Gabriel smiled at him and placed a reassuring hand on his kneecap. It wasn't a sexual act, just caring. Sam returned the gesture by placing a kiss to the side of Gabriel's head.

It was nice to have family surround you. Sam wouldn't be leaving this anytime soon.

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