Part five

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Parrish took a deep breath and blurted our something that would change their lives forever. "My parents are back in town."

Aiden's eyes widened and he stepped closer to his boyfriend. "When did you find out?"

"My dad called me this morning," Jordan grabbed Aiden's hand for support. "I'm scared Aiden."

Aiden pulled the hellhound into a hug and rubbed his back. "We'll figure it out okay. I won't let them hurt you."

Jordan sniffled and he clung to his boyfriend. Aiden couldn't help the anger that rose in him when he thought of Jordan's parents.

"Never again Jor."


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@Satan_in_a_v-neck: I love you so fucking much baby! 😍

@HunterArgent: Satan_in_a_v-neck I love you too!!!!!!!! You are the second best thing that has happened to me!

@SarcasticShit: ..........

@Satan_in_a_v-neck: what's the first? And if you say food you will be sleeping on the couch.

@HunterArgent: it's not food. Allison is obviously the first.

@Satan_in_a_v-neck: oh yeah.

@TheHuntress: awwww dad! I love you! 🥰

@HunterArgent: love you too sweetie

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Just me and my boyfriend hanging out

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Just me and my boyfriend hanging out.
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@GiantLizard: Nathan what the fuck?

@Thing2: Jackson? What the hell! We just got back to Beacon Hills and you're fucking someone behind my back?!

@HotGirlScoot: Dude what the hell is up with that?

@GiantLizard: no Ethan you don't understand! This was years ago! Before I met you! I haven't seen him in 4 years!!!

@NotYoMans: but sweetheart... why are you lying?

@SarcasticShit: that's low man.

@GiantLizard: I'm not lying! Nathan we broke up three and a half years ago! I don't love you and I never will! Stop trying to ruin my love life!

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(Jackson, Ethan, Aiden, Parrish, Stiles, Derek, Isaac, Scott, Lydia, Allison, Chris, Peter, Malia, Liam, Mason, Theo, Corey,)

Ethan? Are you ok?

Ethan! Please don't believe him! He's lying! I promise you! I would never cheat on you. I only love you.

Why should I believe you?

Because you know me! He's just some random person posting pictures from years ago!

Right now it doesn't matter if he knows you. That Nathan guy has solid evidence that you were cheating on my brother!


Liam don't get yourself involved ok? We don't need to make a bigger mess of things by getting everyone in this.

Well I was going to say that Jackson couldn't have been with that douchbag because he was with me, Mason, Corey and Theo

Why didn't you say that in the first place Jackson ?

I panicked! I didn't want you to leave me and I panicked. I was just trying to convince you that I wasn't with him I forgot I was with the puppy pack.

Please just unlock the door so we can talk face to face?



"Ethan I'm so sorry! I should have told you about him. I swear I wasn't with him! I haven't seen him for years! Please you have to believe me!" Jackson had tears streaming down his face.

He was honestly so scared that Ethan would think he was lying and leave him. Ethan dropped to his knees in from of Jackson and hugged him, "It's ok baby. I'm not going to leave you. Ok? I believe you."

Jackson sunk into Ethan's arms. He was hysterical. Ethan couldn't believe that Jackson Whittemore was sobbing his eyes out onto his chest. "Shhhh it's ok baby. I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

Ethan waiting a few more minute for Jackson to calm down all the way and then asked about the ex. Jackson took a really shaky breath, "five years ago when I was in about seventh or eight grade I was really good friends with Nathan. We did everything together. One time I walked in on Nathan sleeping with this chic. Naturally I was curious. He told me about it and said he would show me what it felt like. For a long while I kept telling him no but he wouldn't listen. He told everyone we were dating. When no one noticed he would hit me. It didn't matter if I had nothing to do with his shitty day, I would get punished." Jackson had to stop because he was sobbing too much.

"I t-thought that was what relationships were like. One day when I was telling an old friend about Nathan she told me that relationships weren't supposed to be like that. She helped me get away from him. I-I-I thought h-he was g-go-ne for good!"

Ethan rocked Jackson back and forth to calm him down. "Well now you have me. And I won't let that son of a bitch hurt you again."

Jackson smiled and for once Ethan felt true hatred surge through his veins, "thanks Ethan. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Ethan kisses Jackson'a nose and smiled when he giggled. There truly was no other man for Ethan.

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