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"Y/N, Honey, you awake?" I could hear my mom knocking on my door. I rolled over and yawned. Then I remembered I had El over. I jolted up, El was still asleep next to me, she was stirring a little from the noise my mom was making.

"Um, yea mom, give me a minute!" I yelled through my door, putting blankets over El so my mom wouldn't see her. I walked out of the room and into the hall where my mom was.

"You okay?" She asked. "Is something wrong? You look a little out of it." She said pressing her hand to my forehead. "Hmm, you don't have a fever."

"Yea, I'm feeling okay I just," I had to think of something, "Saw a spider by my bed and it scared me." That was a good lie.

"Is it still in there?" She asked opening the door a little.

"NO!" I yelled by accident. She closed the door and looked back at me. "I slammed my book on it."

"Oh, okay. Well Karen asked if you wanted to come over today, she's worried about Mike, he won't talk to them and she thinks he will talk to you. I think it would be good for you. You're not in this alone you know, you have your friends. I could drive you if you want." She told me.

"I don't know mom. I'm not feeling like going anywhere today. I think I'm just going to stay home today." I said.

"Okay, just remember you're not alone in this. If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here and so are your friends. I need to go to work now but if you need anything call me."

"Okay, bye," I said as she walked out the front door. Then I went back to my room.

I could hear static outside the door and when I opened it I found El playing with my Supercom. Her eyes were closed. "So... I think I'm just going to drop you off at the Wheelers and meet Mike at the back door and then you can go back to the fort in the basement. You probably like it better there where you have your own room kinda." I looked over at her, "I think after you're at Mike's house I'm just going to stay here. Mike probably doesn't want to talk right now... El? Are you listening? El?" Her nose was bleeding, her eyes closed. The static was starting to scare me. Then I could hear it from the supercom.

"HELP! Somebody please." Came a rough cracked voice. It sounded as if the person had been crying for some time. "Please!" The voice sobbed. Then I could hear Will crying...Will! It was Will.

I rushed to the Supercom. "WILL? Will! It's me, Y/N. If you can hear me say something! Where are you? Will?" But the voice was gone. He couldn't hear me. I looked up at El, "Was that him?" I asked. She nodded.

"It was Will." She said.

El and I Jumped off my bike. "El, Stay here I'll open the door when I'm in, okay?" She nodded. I ran to the other side of the house and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Wheeler answered.

"Y/N?" She asked when she opened the door.

"Um, hi Mrs. Wheeler, my mom told me that you said I could come over and talk to Mike?" I asked.

"Um, yes, right. But I thought she said you weren't coming?"

"I changed my mind. I kinda need someone at a time like this. And I think Mike needs someone too," I said trying to look sad.

"Yes, of course. I'm so sorry about what happened, sweetie. He's in the basement you know your way. If you need something just ask me." She told me. I nodded sadly-ish and walked in.

Mrs. Wheeler went into the living room with Mr. Wheeler. I dashed to the back door and found El picking dandelions. I couldn't help but smile. I walked over and picked one too.

"Their pretty huh?" I said.

"Pretty?" El asked.

"Yea, like nice to look at, or like..." I pointed at the dandelion. "pretty. Im not good at explaining things" El smiled at my attempt to explain. Her smile was beautiful. I liked when she smiled. I wondered why I wasn't like this with my other friends. Maybe El is just a really good freind.

"Mk, enough talking, come on." I helped her up and I snuck her down to he basement.

"Mike." I called out.

"Y/n?" He looked up from his spot on the couch.

"Hi," I said as El came out from where she was hiding behind me. Mike stood up defensively.

"Why is she here?" He asked in his sassy tone.

"We got to show you something. Just let her be to a second."

"Fine," Mind said as he sat back down on his couch and picked up some papers.

I found Mikes supercom on the ground and gave it to El, "Do what you did earlier, okay? Try to find Will." She nodded and started messing with the knobs on the thing.

I walked over to where Mike was on the couch, "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Looking at drawings," He showed me one of a dragon, it was Will's art style, I felt tears in the back of my eyes. I missed him. "I miss him a lot." Mike said, he sounded like he was about to cry.

"I know."

El was still messing with the knobs on the supercom and the static got louder. Mike was starting to get annoyed.

"Can you please stop that?" It was more of a demand then a question. El paused for a second beofre returning to what she was doing. "Are you deaf?"

"Hey! Don't be mean to her!" I tried to stop him but he continued.

" I thought we were friends, you know?" El, looked up at him, "friends tell eachother the truth. And they definitely don't lie to eachother! You made me think Will was okay or that he was still out there but he wasn't! He wasn't." El opened her mouth to talk but then closed it again. Mike still continued though, "Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't."

Mike to a pause, "you hurt me, you understand? What you did sucks. Lucas was right about you all along." El looked like she was going to burst into tears.

"Go easy on her. Your not he only one going through stuff. Don't take it out on her." I told him. He didn't respond. We sat in silence for a second before I heard a voice on the supercom.

"Well, come on and let me know, should I stay or should I go? Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble and if I stay there will be double-" a soft, cracked voice sang. Will loved that song. I loved the sound of his voice, I tried to cherish it before Mike grabbed the supercom.

"WILL? Will is that you, its Mike do you copy? Over. Will are you there? WILL?" When he knew he wouldn't get an answer back he asked El, "Was that him? Was that...?"

"Will." El finished. She smiled a sad smile, not like the happy one I had seen earlier. But this was amazing. Will was out there!


El stayed at Mikes for the night while I went home. The next morning I pretended to be sick until my mom let me stay home while she worked, then when she left I went stright to Mikes house.

I let myself in carefully opening and closing the door. I snuck up to Mikes bedroom to Mike yelling at Lucas through his supercom.

"No, not his funeral, screw his funeral." Mike said into the supercom.

"What?" Lucas's staticy voice said over the supercom.

"Just get over here stat, and bring Dustin. Over and out."

He turned around and saw me. "Oh, hey. Lucas and Dustin are on their way over, ok?"


And that's the end if this chapter, sorry it took so long to upload. I've been really busy with school and stuff. Hope you guys like it, sorry its short.


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