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Mike had a plan, "I'll pretend to be super disappointed and sad, my mom will let me stay home, then we can get Lucas and Dustin over here, and I'll tell you the rest if we make it that far."

So far we've made that far and I have yet to know the rest of the plan. Mike, El, and I are just waiting for Lucas ad Dustin to get here. 

"ok, I'm hungry. I'm gonna get some Eggos, you guys want any?" Mike asked. El nodded her head. 

"Yes," She said.

"Yup." I said making the 'p' pop.

"Ok, I'll be right back." Mike said, walking up the stairs. It was just me and El. 

"So?" I asked and El looked up at me. 

"So, um... what's your favorite movie?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. 

"Movie? What is a movie?" 

"Oh. right you probably haven't seen any movies...Well I'll explain to you my favorite movie." I start. "Mine right now is E.T, E.T means extra terrestrial, like an alien. You probably don't know what this is..."

"I understand." She smiled. 

I smile back, "Great! Well this alien, his name E.T, gets stuck on earth, this planet. This boy, named Elliot, finds him and they become friends. Elliot takes E.T home and introduces him to his siblings. Then E.T starts to get sick and then a bunch of-" I was cut off by Mike running down the stairs.

"I got Eggos, and Lucas, and Dustin." He said. Lucas was waling down the stairs behind him and Dustin wasn't to far behind Lucas. Eleven went to go grab the Eggos and she gave some to me too. 

"I'll tell you the rest of the movie later." I whisper to her. She nods. 

Suddenly Mike pushed the Super-com into her hands and tells her to do the thing again, "Find Will." He says. The way he says it kind of upset me, he spoke to her like a dog.  

Mike, Lucas, and Dustin stat in a circle around her, while I sat next to her. 

El nodded and closed her eyes. She started messing with the knobs on the super com and soon we heard something. It was Will crying. The sound lasted for second then stopped. We heard it a second time, but the sound didn't last long that time either. 

"We keep losing signal, but you heard it right?" Mike asked Dustin and Lucas.

"Yeah, I heard a baby." Lucas said.


"Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor. Its probably the Blackburn's next door." Lucas said. 

"Uh, did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will!"


"Lucas you don't understand earlier this morning he spoke! Like real words. He was singing that weird song he loves. Even El and Y/N heard it," Mike said.

"Well if the weirdo and her bestie heard it then I guess-" Lucas was cut off by Dustin. I glared at him.

"I don't think its about that, I think somehow, she's channeling him." Mike spoke kind of softly.

"Like Professor X." Dustin said. Mike nodded. While they did that Lucas rolled his eyes, that didn't go unnoticed by me.

"Got something to say Lucas?" I asked in a kinda of bitchy tone. 

"Yeah, I do," He said glaring at me. He turned to Dustin, "Are you actually believing this crap?"

"I don't know, I mean... Do you remember that time that Will broke his finger when he fell off his bike? He sounded a lot like that." Dustin told Lucas. 

𝐵𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ➼ 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘍𝘪𝘤¹Where stories live. Discover now