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It suddenly hit me like a fricken bus "Eleven, that's why they are rushing they must know about eleven."

Lucas grabbed the intercom and started yelling while biking faster

"GUYS THEY KNOW. THEY KNOW ABOUT ELEVEN." Static came back as they tried saying something back but they were out of range, "GET OUT OF THERE THEY KNOW ABOUT ELEVEN. THE BAD MEN ARE COMING, ALL OF THEM. DO YOU HEAR ME? THE BAD MEN ARE COMING."

after a few minutes we heard them back "Y/N, Lucas do you copy?" They ask

"We copy," we shout into Lucas's intercom, "Where are you?"

"Cornellis" Dustin answers back

"Meet us on Elm and Cherry."

"Copy Elm and Cherry." And with that Dustin's voice is gone as quick as it came.

Then from now where Mike with El on the back of his bike pulls up right next to me and we pedal further.

"Is she ok? Did they try to hurt her?" I ask worried but not able to reach out to her.

"She's fine but we aren't going to be if we don't go faster." He answers

"Where are they?" Lucas asks

"I think we lost them" Dustin answers before we hear the vans speeding behind us.

"GO, go, go, go, go" We are all yelling at each other as we see another van coming straight towards us. We are gonna die. We aren't gonna make it. El I like you. Wait, not the time.

Out of nowhere, the van levitates and it's as if in slow motion it flips over us and we raise our heads to follow the van then it lands behind us with a horrendous crash.

we petal slower after that seeing that the crashed van stopped the other ones. I look back at El quickly and see her head turned and giving me a slight smile. What a woman. 

We soon arrive at the abandoned car field and I could see el is about to faint. I jump off my bike not bothering to hit the breaks just jumping off and letting it go until it fell. I raced to El and help her shoulder, 

"Oh my god, El you're a goddess I swear you are amazing," I say resting her head on my shoulder and her arms wrap around me as I hug her waist.

"Did you see what she did to that van?" Dustin asked

"No Dustin we missed it." said a sarcastic mike

"I mean that was.." Dustin trailed off

"Awesome," Lucas said, "I'm sorry about everything I said, about you being a liar and traitor. I was wrong." 

"Friends don't lie." She smiled while looking at him.


"This is Randolf road, the fence starts here and goes all the way around "Lucas explained with his stick model as we looked at it on the ground. "The lab is right here so the gate has got to be around here somewhere it's gotta be"

"So who owns Hawkins lab?" Dustin asked

"The sign says the department of energy," I told him

Department of energy? What do you think that means?" Dustin asked

"its means government. Military." Mike explained,

"then why does it say energy?"

"It's the government just trust me. My dad told me." Mike said,

"he's right there were soldiers out front." I explained

"Do they make light bulbs or something?" Dustin asked innocently

𝐵𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ➼ 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘍𝘪𝘤¹Where stories live. Discover now