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I'm sorry for the wait, things have been very crazy. Imma try to have this chapter out Soon. But for now, just enjoy this short filler chapter! Thank you all so much for reading.

"We have to leave in a few minutes...you two just do whatever girls do. Gossip or something." Lucas said as he dashed off to Mike's room for something.

"Gossip?" El asked. "What is gossip?"

"Nothing important. Ignore him. We could just talk...or we could keep talking about movies. we can watch E.T when we get back!! We'll have a marathon. Then after we can watch Grease and I can teach you the songs!" I stop.

I catch El staring at me. Not like she normally does with others but with something sparkling in her eyes. Maybe admiration? Awe? I don't know. She had a soft smile on her lips. I smiled back.

"Sorry, sometimes I get too excited. I'll stop."

"No, tell me about Grease?" She asked.

I couldn't believed she was listening to me. She was hearing everything I said and was intrested in what I had to say. So I told her.

"Its a musical, a movie with people singing and its super fun. I'm not supposed to watch some of it, but I love the songs." I grabbed her hands and twirled her.

She was confused at first and we got tangled in each others arms, but I taught her. How to do it. And I grabbed Nancy's walkman out of her room and found just the cassette I wanted. I put it in, pressed the play button, and the music came out.

"You're the one that I want, the one that I want ooh ooh ooh honey." The music came out with a little static, but it was fine.

I grabbed Elevens and and we danced. It was chaotic and we both didn't know what we were doing but we were having fun. We both laughed, and we both got tired from jumping. We sat on the bed when Mike burst through the door.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"Dancing," El responds giggling.

"Y/N you're wasting her energy. We need her to find Will." Mike scolds me.

"We were just having fun. Were going. No need to get worked up." I helped El off the bed and walked outside to find Dustin and Lucas. We looked at eachother and started to burst into fits of giggles because we got in trouble.

"Ok, come on guys," Mike said as he rode off on his bike with us following.

As we left the house I could hear El humming a song. It was the same one we danced to, and I felt a small smile make its way onto my lips.

Again I'll try to get a full chapter out soon. I hope you enjoyed this little filler for the time being. I love you all and thank you for understanding.

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