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I awoke at 7:00 AM. El was still in my arms. I moved my arms as carefully as I could, trying not to wake El. She stirred but didn't wake up. I couldn't help but stare.

She was really beautiful. Her eyelashes we long. And her lips were pink, and they looked soft. And her hair, though not long, was a beautiful brown.

I had almost forgot why I had gotten up, but then I remembered.

I raced up the stairs into Nancy's room. Luckily Mrs. Wheeler had already explained to Nancy that I had stayed over and needed clothes.

"Here," she tossed me a skirt and a top. Unfortunately I really hated skirts.

"Do you have anything less... skirt?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and tossed me some high waisted jeans and a button up shirt. "Happy?" She asked.

"Sure, thank you."

I rushed to the bathroom and put on the clothes and threw on my socks and sneakers. As I walked out Mike saw me.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well you see, when one goes to nap they lose track of time... I accidentally stayed the night." I said quickly.

"Typical." He sighed.

"Hey! In my defence I was tired and comfortable and so I slept. Its really your fault for not waking me up."

Mike looked at me but didn't argue. "Just follow me."

There was a knock at the door and Lucas and Dustin were there. They gave me a confused look, wondering why I was already here. I shook my head and we ran to the basement.

El had woken up and was sitting on the couch with the supercom. She was fiddleing with the knobs again and I smiled at her.

We crowded around the table, when Mike spoke, "Just tell our parents that we have AV club after school. That'll give us at least a few hours for operation Mirkwood."

"How come you get to name the operation?" I asked.

"Fine what do you wanna name it?" Lucas asked.

"Operation Find Will? Or operation.... yea nevermind I get why he names them." I said.

The boys rolled their eyes. "You seriously think the weirdo knows where Will is?" Lucas asked Mike.

"Just trust me on this okay?" Mike asked. Lucas nodded his head but I could tell he still doubted him.

"You got the supplies?" Mike asked Lucas.

"Yea," Lucas pulled out his backpack, "binoculars, from Nam, army knife, also from Nam, hammer, camouflage bandanna, and," he held up his wrist rocket like it was gold, "wrists rocket!"

"Your gonna take out the demogorgon with a slingshot?" Dustin asked.

"First of all, its a wrist rocket. And second of all, the demogorgon's not real. Its made up. But if there is something out there i'm gonna shoot it in the eye," he pulled and released the the strap on the wrist rocket, Dustkn flinched, "and blind it." Lucas finished.

"Dustin what did you get?" Mike asked after sighing.

Dustin got out his bag and emptied out loads of snacks, "Well alrighty, so we got Nutty Bars, Bazooka, Pez, Smarties, Pringles, Nilla Wafers, apple, banna, and trail mix." He looked up at us and smiled. I chuckled at his adorable yet failing effort to help.

"I want the apple i'm hungry." I said and Lucas slapped my hand. "Ow!"

"Your not making this better." He told me.

So I grabbed the apple and licked all of it and then stuck my tounge out at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Seriously?" Lucas asked turning back ti Dustin referring to the food."

"We need energy for our travles, for stamina." Dustin defended. "And besides, why do we even need weapons anyway? We have her." He gestured toward El.

"Dustin you can't just use her as a weapon. She is an actual human with feelings."

"Its not like she really did anything anyway." Lucas added. "She shut one door."

"With her mind. Are you kidding me?Thats insane. Imagine all the other cool stuff she can do." Dustin said.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" I asked.

Dustin ignored me, "Like...," he walked over to a something, "I bet she could make this fly!" He said excited.

El didn't pay attention to him she was still messing around with the supercom and I giggled at her. It was cute-

Wait a minute... I couldn't be thinking this. She was a girl and I'm a girl. It can't be like that. No, it was friendly way. Yea. I tought she was cute in a friendly way... thats it.

"Hey. Hey." Dustin tried and succeeded at getting her attention. "Okay, concentrate. Okay?" Then he dropped the toy in front of her. She just looked at him. "Okay, one more time. Okay. Use your powers, okay?" He told her. And dropped it again. She just kept looking at him.

"Idiot." Lucas muttered.

"Dustin! You can't just use her like that." I told him.

Mike then came and picked up the toy. "She's not a dog!" He told Dustin.

"See!" After I spoke Karen called us.

"Y/n! BOYS! Time for school."

We all packed up our stuff. I grabbed my bag I had left over and stayed with El and Mike. I heard Mike talk to El. I wasn't really listening I was getting his bag ready while he talked.

"MICHAEL!" Karen yelled.

"COMING!" Mike yelled back."

"You know those power lines?" Mike asked El.

"Power lines?" El asked.

"Yea. The ones behind my house?"

"Yes." She said.

"Meet us there, after school." He told her.

"After school?" She asked.

"Yeah. 3:15" Mike tried explaining. She still looked confused. Mike took off his watch and gave it to El, "When the numbers read 3 1 5 meet us there."

"Three one five." El repeated.

"Three one five."

She still didn't understand.

"Here let me try." I knelt by El, "When the watch looks like this," I adjusted the watch, "then meet us out by the wooded polls with right outside the house." I told her in a soft voice.

"By the wooden polls." She repeated.

"Yeah." I told her.

"I understand." She told me. We smiled at eachother and the butterflies came back in my tummy.

"I- um... okay. Bye-bye." I told her and dashed up the stairs with Mike.

Word count: 1063.

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