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Things you need to know:
Y/f/n = your full name
Y/l/n = your last name.
Thats it enjoy.

I woke up with the feeling. I couldn't shake it. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. But I didn't know what, well atleast not yet.

I got ready for school and listened to the news. My mom hadn't gotten up yet and god knows where my father is.

I tossed on some jeans and a t-shirt and some random sweater I found in my house.

I made some toast with jam and jumped on my bike to get to school. Then I dashed back inside seeing as I had forgotten my backpack. Then I got back on my bike and set off. Just ahead of me I could see Dustin getting on his bike.

"Oh hey y/n" Dustin greeted me.

"Hey, got that comic?" I asked.

"That was unfair and you know it." He said.

"But was it?" I asked teasingly.

He shook his head and we pedaled off. Lucas was behind us because he was being teased by Erica.

"Hi, guys" He greeted.

"Hello there." I said cheerfully.

"Hey Lucas." Dustin said plainly.

We could see Mike ahead of us so we pedaled faster until we we're caught up.

"Hey Mike," I said.

"Hi guys," Mike responded

I noticed Will wasn't with us like he usually was and the feeling I had made my stomach hurt.

"Hey have you guys seen Will?" I asked.



"Not yet. But his mom did call my mom and asked if he was over. She said he just probably went to school early." Mike stated.

"Yeah, your probably right." I said trying to calm the feeling.

We rode to school in a comfortable silence.

We settled our bikes once we arrived and I lifted my head to look for Will.

"Thats weird, I don't see him." Mike said.

My stomach churned.

"I'm telling you, his mom's right, he just probably went to class early again." Lucas said glancing at me worridly.

"Yeah, he's always paronoid Gursky's gonna give him another pop quiz" Dustin chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. Or probably trying to get away from Troy early." I said chuckling with him.

Then behind us we heard a horrid sound. Almost as if hell its self had risin. "Step right up ladies and gentleman. Step right up and get your tickets for the freak show." It was Troy. Lovely.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," I muttered under my breath.

Mike, Lucas, and Dustin heard me and started giggling. I started to giggle too.

"What did you say?" Troy asked.

"Did I stutter?" I shot back. The boys gave me an 'are you carzy look' but I stood confident.

He ignored me, "Who do you think would make more money in a freak show?" He asked, "Midnight," He puched Lucas's shoulder, "Frog Face," He punched Mike's shoulder, "Toothless," He punched Dustins shoulder, "or the man?"

"Thats more than you could say." I shot back. He was gonna punch me in the arm, but i gave him a death glare, "touch me and and see if you live long enough to feel the pain."

𝐵𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ➼ 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘍𝘪𝘤¹Where stories live. Discover now