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"Are you sure that's the move you want to make?" Lucas asked with a knowing smirk.

"Yes, because I'm smart," I said proudly before he moved his bishop diagonally from my king. I was trapped. If I moved left his bishop could take me if I moved right his queen would take me. If I moved back I would lose. There was no outcome to me winning. "AHH!" I screamed noticing I was about to lose.

"What were you saying about being smart again?" He asked before we heard a knock at the door. Lucas turned around and I decided this was a perfect time to turn the board and move my king. "I'll get it." He said turning back to me and eyeing the board suspiciously.

I rearrange his pieces while he's up and answering the door. I was about to move my pieces so that I would win when he asked rudely "What do you want?" to the people at the door. This piqued my interest and I followed him and went to the door to see Mike and Dustin.

Mike and Dustin hadn't answered Lucas's question yet and Dustin turned to look at Mike. He slapped him on the shoulder to get him to talk, "I drew first blood so..." Mike said reaching his hand out to Lucas to shake. Mike avoided eye contact. Lucas looked down at his hand and then back at Mike. 

Lucas let them in and we all stood in his living room while he paced back and forth deciding on whether he should shake or not. 

"Ok I'll shake," He told Mike, but as Mike reached his hand out Lucas spoke up, "But on one condition. We forget the weirdo and go straight to the gate." 

"Then the deal is off!" Mike shouted

"Fine" Lucas shouted back.


"No no no no not fine. Guy's serious? Do you guys even remember what happened on the Bloodstone pass? We couldn't agree on which path to take and so we split up the party and those trolls took us out one by one. And it all went to shit. And we were all disabled." Explained Dustin. "So we stick together no matter what."

"Yeah come on guys it's only been like a day and I'm already tired of the fighting. Let's just agree on something." I pleaded

"I do agree, I agree that the party is right here in this room," Lucas said

"El Is one of us now," Mike spoke up.

"Oh no, she's not. Not even close," Lucas argued.

"Yes, she is. 

"She's a liar a traitor." Lucas counted.

"She was trying to keep us safe. She didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident." Mike snapped

"An Accident?" Lucas asked sarcastically.

"Alright guys accident or not...admit it, it was a little awesome," Dustin said smiling. AHH, I love him. 

"Awesome?" Lucas shouted offended. 

"Yeah, awesome. She threw you in the air. With her mind." Dustin explained mind-blown

"I could have been killed." He argued.

"That's why we need her. She's a weapon." Mike explained.

"Now that's where I disagree with both of you. Lucas, she made sure not to hurt you too bad you barely had any scratches. Mike, she's a person, not a weapon. A scared girl with feeling and don't you notice when you use her for her powers she gets so exhausted. You guys are gonna end up hurting he-" I tried telling them

"Shut up!" They both yelled simultaneously.

"If you guys wanna waste your time looking for that traitor then go ahead 'cause I'm not speaking any more of my time on her! No way! I'm going to the gate I'm going to find Will." 


"Hand me the binoculars." He demanded as I helped him pack his bag. We were going to find the gate but didn't have time to stop at my house so he lent me some of his clothes and it made me look badass.

"So remind me of the plan again?" I ask

"We spy out at the lab and try to find a way in so we can get to the gate and find Will." Explained Lucas

"Oh well, that sounds so simple and easy, one question though... WHAT IF WE GET CAUGHT. This isn't the school where they send us home. This is real life where they kidnap us." I worried aloud

"Just don't get caught." He said as we walked out of his house. We mounted our bikes and drove off


We walked up towards the fence of the lab

"Shit we have to go around until we find an opening." Lucas groaned.

"Or I can just hop the fence."

"Y/N... are you dumb, stupid, or dumb. That is an electrical fence. If you lay a finger on it, you will get shocked and electrocuted and possibly die." 

"But in cartoons, it looks so cool." 

"Does this look like a cartoon? What did you say 'this is real life or whatever. Come on let's just go." He told me while wheeling our bikes around the fence. We came to a tall tree with thick branches that could support us. Lucas set his bike down and threw his backpack up on the tree and started to crawl up and I followed. 

"What now?" I ask

"We wait"


After about an hour of sitting in a tree and almost falling asleep, I decided to make some conversations. 

"Why do you dislike El so much?" I asked

"She a traitor, she won't help us find Will."

"She did help us find Will she just won't help us find the gate."

"That's where Will is though"

"Or maybe not. She said it wasn't safe. Have you thought that maybe she was just helping us?" I asked.

"Whatever what do you find so amazing about her anyway?" Lucas asked while rolling his eyes.

"She's kind, she doesn't think of just herself and she is so pretty," I said whipped

"The way you talk about her makes me think you might like her." Lucas joked but I looked down. he looked back at me and gasped. 

"Lucas I don't know what's wrong with me. Every time I see her I get butterflies in my tummy and I know it's not right for me to feel that way about another girl but I can't help it." I confessed. Lucas moved closer to me and hugged me.

"It could matter less about what you like, you're still my best friend." He said with a loving look on his face. "You're more like my sister at this point. I love you either way. And I'm sorry for being so rude to her."

"It doesn't matter anymore. You should apologize to her not me, and stop being such a sap we have a mission to do." I smile while leaning into his hug.

 Something finally happened though. A bunch of vans exited the property and sped down the road. Lucas looked at me with a questioning look and we jumped off the tree and decided to follow the vans.

"What do you think is happening?" I ask while pedaling fast.

"I don't know, but I'm scared to find out."

And that is where this chapter ends. Double update I feel good. I decided to finally continue this story bc of season four but know that there will be a different book for each season. Same storyline but a different season and different book. Only about two more chapters until I end this one. Thank you all for being patient with me. -ITSBOUTTOGODOWN

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