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I got up. It was real. Will was gone, and it was all my fault. I could have stopped him. 

"Y/N, are you okay?" Dustin asked through tears. 

"I'm going home. You guys should get home too, it's getting late." I told them.

"What about Eleven?" Dustin asked. Lucas glared at her.

"I'll take her. I just want to go home right now. Bye guys." I said getting on my bike. "come on El." I said sniffling. She got on the bike and there were tears in her eyes too. I know she didn't mean for this to happen. Right? 

The ride to my house was silent. El was holding on to my waist and laying her head on my back. I could feel her crying. When I got to my house I stopped the bike. El got off first then me, she looked around confused then turned to me. 

"Mike's?" She asked, "Where is Mike?" 

I sighed, "He's at his house. This is my house. You'll stay here for the night. okay?" I asked. she nodded. "Well, first I need you to sneak through my bedroom window. And stay in the bedroom until I come in. Okay?" she nodded again. 

We walked around until we got to my bedroom. I boosted El up into the window. Once she was inside my room she shut the window and I went in through the front door. My mom was there.

"Y/N? I thought you were asleep. Where were you?" She asked.

"I was with the boys, don't you have work tonight?" I asked. 

"I heard they found a body at the quarry. I just turned on the news." She gestured to the T.V. She looked at me with a frown on her face. "Were you there?" She asked.

"Yea," I said. Tears starting to form in my eyes again. 

"Was it him?" She asked

"It was Will," I told her, tears starting to fall from my eyes again. 

She held out her arms for me and I ran into them. She hugged me and it felt like the most comforting thing I've ever. "I'm so sorry honey." 

"I miss him, mom." 

"I know you do," she said while rubbing my back. "Do you need anything?" She asked. 

"I just wanna go to bed. It's been a long day." I told her. 

"Okay, Good night." She said. 

I let go of her and walked to my room. I opened the door to see El looking at pictures of me and the boys. She looked up when she heard the door shut behind me.

"Um, I can set up the air mattress for you tonight and I'll get you some blankets and a pillow just give me a minute," I told her walking to my bed.

"Y/N." She said.

"Yea?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I- I- I," She couldn't find the words. "Will," She pointed at the picture of Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Will, and I, "He's alive I know." She said but I didn't want to hear it.

"Eleven! I saw his body. He's dead. He died. He fell in the quarry or something but he's gone." I said. 

"I'm sorry." She cried.

"I'll get the air mattress," I said getting up. I walked into the closet and came out with an air mattress and some blankets. I went back into the closet but I couldn't find anything to blow up the air mattress. It may be selfish but I didn't want to sleep on the floor while she got the bed. I also didn't want her to sleep on the floor either. 

"El?" I asked. she looked at me.

"You can sleep in the bed with me if you don't want to sleep on the floor tonight," I told her. I put away the air mattress, extra blankets, and pillow back in the closet. "Only if you want to," I looked at her. 

"yes." She said. 

"You need some new clothes first. Those ones are dirty." I told her looking at the dirt on her clothes. I went got her one of my t-shirts and some fuzzy pajama pants. I walked up to El and handed her the clothes, "Here, put these on."

She took the clothes and walked towards the bathroom and only left the cracked open. I found myself some pajamas and put those on too. 

When I was done I went to my bed to try and tried to make it look a little nice. I could hear the bathroom door open and El came out in her or my pajamas. 

"what do I do with this?" She asked holding out the other clothes. 

"I can put those to wash but I can lend you some clothes for tomorrow and I'll give you back the other clothes when they are clean again," I said taking the clothes from her. "Is that okay?"


"Okay then, Well the bed's ready." I said.

She crawled into the bed and pulled the blanket up. I got in next to her. It was silent until El broke the silence. 

"Am I bad?" She asked.

I rolled over to face her. "El your not bad. I know some pretty bad people and you're not even close to being bad. I'm just a little upset right now. You're not bad. I promise." 


"Yup. It's getting late and we need to go to bed. Goodnight El."

"Good night Y/n." El said before rolling over and going to sleep.

this is just a little filler chapter. I'm sorry for not updating lately I've been super busy. have a good day -Itsbouttogodown

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