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Mike poked a pencil through the paper startling El. He was showing her what Mr. Clarke showed us already.

"It would take a lot of energy to build a gate like this but that must have been what happened. Otherwise, how did Will get there right?" Mike asked

"Right." Eleven repeated.

"What we wanna know is do you know where the gate is?" Lucas asked. Eleven shook her head. "Then how do you know about the upside-down?" Lucas threw up his arms.

I wasn't really listening to them. I was messing with Dustin trying to figure out what he was doing. He was twirling and spinning around with a compass in his hand. I couldn't figure out what he was doing so I started twirling around with him.

I turned to look at them and saw them looking at me and Dustin. "Guys, what are you doing?" Mike asked. He had to repeat our names several times to catch our attention.

"I need to see your compasses," Dustin said. 

"What?" We all asked, I was still spinning around him, he smacked my arm to get me to stop.

"Your compasses. All of your compasses right now!"

Every compass that Mike had in his house was tossed on a table. Dustin examined them. 

"What's up with all of this?" Mike asked.

"Well, they are all facing north," Dustin said with a smile on his face.

"Well, no shit sherlock that's how a compass works," I mumbled under my breath.

"Well, smartass, that's not true north," Dustin concluded.

"What does that mean?" Mike asked.

"It means that's not true north." Dustin looked at us like we were stupid. I gave Mike and Lucas a look that said 'he's crazy' and they returned the look. "Are you three seriously this dense? The sun rises in the east and sets in the west right? So that means," He points north, "that's true north." 

"So what you're saying is the compasses are broken." Mike inferred. 

Dustin rolled his eyes, "Do you know how a compass works? Do you see a battery pack on this?"

"No," Maike said taken aback by Dustin's sudden attitude.

"No, you don't because it doesn't need one. The needle is attracted to the gravitational magnetic pull of the north pole." Explained Dustin.

"So what's wrong with it?" Lucas wondered aloud.

"That's what I was trying to figure out, but then I remembered if you can change the direction of a compass with a magnet. If there is a presence of a more powerful magnetic field, the needle deflects to that power." Dustin further explained, "And then I remembered what Mr. Clarke said. The gate would have so much power..."

"It could disrupt the earth's magnetic field." Mike finished

"Meaning if we follow the compasses' north..." Lucas started

"They should lead us to the gate." Dustin finished.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed. 

"I know right it's crazy," Dustin said excitedly

"No, I have no idea what you guys said. I'm stupid and I need you guys to explain it again but slowly and with easy words." I said dumbfounded.


Well, this doesn't look like the setting of a horror movie at all I thought while walking on the train tracks with Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and El. El, Mike, and I were walking a bit further behind Dustin and Lucas but not too far, I could hear them talking so I know we were a good distance apart. Eleven was in between Mike and me and I was on her right. I could hear her breathing quicken up and I gave her a concerned glance.

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