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I slept for what felt like five minutes. I woke up when I heard something next to me. I looked up and saw Eleven come out of her little hiding fort thing. She saw me awake and smiled. She sat down on the couch near me.


"Hi." She smiled at me then found Mikes super com and decided to play with that.

She held it out to me, "For you." She said.

I took it and turned the volune knob down then gave it back to her, "All yours now."

She smiled again.

I looked around and Lucas, Dustin, and Mike were gone.

"Wait here," I told El and she nodded.

I walked up the stairs to the first floor and ran into Mrs. Wheeler. She was making a midnight snack.

"Y/n?" She asked confused. "What are you still doing here is 3 in the morning?"

Welp, guess the nap was longer then five minutes.

"Is it?" I asked. "I am so sorry I fell asleep on the couch. I'll get my jacket from the basement and head out-" I started saying.

"No," Mrs. Wheeler said, "I can't let you go out at this time of night. If you want you can go sleep back on the couch I'll tell your mom that you slept over."

"Mrs. Wheeler I really can't, I don't have an extra set of clothes and its a school night-" I was cut off again.

"You can borrow Nancy's old clothes and you and Mike can just bike to school together. But with everything going on with Will I really don't want you out at this hour, Okay?" She asked.

I nodded, "Okay, thank you Mrs. Wheeler." I gave her a hug and went back down to the basement.

El was back asleep in her fort thingy when I got there.

I went on the couch and tried to get comfortable again but it was too difficult. How did I sleep on this earlier I thought.

El must've noticed my tossing and turning because she came from the fort thing, looked at me, and pointed to the fort, "Sleep there." She offered.

"Oh, El, I can't thats for you," I refused.

I guess it wasn't an offer because she took my hand and led me to the fort. "Sleep," She repeated.

I layed down in the fort and it was pretty comfortable. I started to close my eyes when I felt someone lay next to me. It was El. I didn't need to open my eyes to know that.

"Goodnight, y/n." She said.

"Goodnight Eleven," I said back.

She cuddled up next to me for warmth and I hugged her back. I couldn't ignore the butterflies in my stomach at this point. In fact it wasn't even butterflies, it was a whole zoo. And the weird thing is. I was okay with it. I didn't stop to think about this, I just let myself feel this not knowing it would impact everything later on.


This was a short fill in chapter. Sorry, but I am working on one right now. It might be up tomorrow and if i'm feeling like it I might do a double update. Okay bye. Thanks for reading .

Word count: 545 words.

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