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I woke up and got out of bed. I wiped the dried tears off my face,

I got dressed amd made my way out to the living room. My mom was gone. Another long day at work. I made eggs and eggos then headed off on my bike.

I've never had much of the dream life. I never knew my father and my mother was always working. Whenever I did catch her though she was either sleeping or going to work again.

As I sped down the road my mind wandered to when my mother wasn't being controlled by her job and it was so long ago I couldn't really remember . Its not her fault though, we have bills to pay so she has to do what she can. I don't give her a hard time about it. I learned to take care of myself. I don't need someone telling me to do my homework or when to wake up. I try not to stress her out, she struggles enough. So I figure out how to make it by on my own.

As I reached the school grounds I saw Dustin and Lucas and quickly put my bike in its place and ran towards them.

"Hello boys," I greet.

"Oh, hey y/n me and Lucas were just having an argument about the best super power. I said Flight. Because flying is a super hero thing. And all the heros that do anything can fly!" Dustin said.

"But how could you fight crime with flight? Super speed would be amazing because the bad guys won't know what hit them! Like you could be here one second," Lucas ran over to bench and sat, "and here the next second. Like in the blink of an eye. That beats flight of you ask me." Lucas argued.

"You are both wrong shapeshifting is obviously the best. Like who would win over a shape shifter? First off they could be anything. Anything. Pretty cool super power if you ask me." I say shrugging.

"No." Lucas argued.

We argued over superpowers until classes started and we noticed Mike still wasn't with us.

"Guys have you seen Mike?" I asked.

"Oh, yea, you didn't just see him eating Ice cream with us?" Lucas said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at Lucas.

"Oh this is weird, he's never this late."

"I'm telling you, his stupid plan failed." Lucas said coldly.

"I thought you liked his plan?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah, but obviously it was stupid, or he'd be here."

"If his mom found out a girl," Dustin paused, looked at me, "other then y/n," smart move, "spent the night-"

"He's in deep shit right about now."

"Hey, what of she slept naked?" Dustin asked. I gave him a funny look.

"Oh my god, she didn't." Lucas sighed.

"Oh, if Mrs. Wheeler tells my parents..."

"Not possible." I said.

"Exactly, Mike would never rat us out."

"I don't know," Dustin continued.

"All that matters is, after school, the freak will be back in the loony bin amd we can focus on what really matters. Finding Will." Duston sighed.

"Don't worry Dustin. He's got this.....Or maybe you guys were right and she was a psycho and killed him," I said casually. The boys looked over at me in fear. I started laughing and they rolled their eyes.


The day was long, but it went on and finally it was over. Me, Dustin, and Lucas hopped on our bikes and rde to Mike's house. We let ourselves in and Mike was waiting for us in his room.

𝐵𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ➼ 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘍𝘪𝘤¹Where stories live. Discover now