The worst has happened - Chapter 31

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It was the next day and I was nervous as hell about the meeting with Mario later. I mean what were the three of us actually supposed to talk about? I knew there was no way I could do this alone so I invited Sam, kind of as a plus one. I mean at least then it would be less awkward. Well that's what I hoped anyway.
I updated Mario on the plans which now included Sam. His response and I quote was "that's cool as long as I still get to see your pretty face again".
God this guy was cheeky as fuck, still flirting with me on the low when he knows he's seeing me and my man later. I couldn't help but admire his confidence.

I was still in bed around 12pm as I was too anxious to get up. I texted Sam to come over so we could devise a plan so everything would go swimmingly and avoid any drama. Once she arrived we agreed the plan was to keep the boys as far away from each other at all times. I gave Sam full permission to flirt if need be and keep Mario busy so he wouldn't annoy Jay or get him riled up. Even though I was never going to be with Mario I still had to give Sam permission to flirt as he was technically mine first. Lol you know how shit goes..

We planned to meet the guys in about an hour at the cinema. Jay said he'd meet us there as he was at the gym. The anxiety was getting to me as I felt like time was going at full speed and I knew I'd have to start getting ready soon. My stomach was doing somersaults thinking about seeing Mario. I just really don't want to fuck things up with Jay and I was worried I wouldn't be able to prove to him how much I wanted to be with him. I always feel like i'm going to mess things up.
I pulled the covers over my face and sunk deep into my bed with a heavy sigh.

Sam was having none of it.

"Uh aah bitch, get up! Ain't no way you dragged my ass out of my bed to do this plan with you too pussy out last minute" she said aggressively dragging the sheets off me.

"But I'm scared" I said looking at her.

"We don't have time for scared sis. Get your ass in the shower, put on some makeup and for God sake straighten your hair or something, cos this shit you got going on ain't cute" she said looking at my frizzy hair.

One thing about Sam.. She was never going to lie to you, and definitely not going to worry about hurting your feelings in the process.
I got up and did as I was told. Once I dried myself off, I moisturised with some cocoa butter and put on a cute striped shirt with some blue jeans. I quickly did some basic makeup and slapped on some mink lashes. Then the long process of straightening my hair began. Sam was right. It looked a hot mess. Half my hair was basically Afro mixed in with the straight clip ins I had (serves me right for neglecting my headscarf for the last couple nights). With Sams help we got it done in just under 20 minutes and I felt like a baddie again. Sam definitely agreed as she told me to pose as she took a picture of me.

"Yas hunny, looking like a whole snack we love to see it!" She said as she sent the picture to me. I loved it and posted it on snap. I felt cute and finally less stressed about this meeting.

We made our way to the cinema as Mario said he was already there and Jay mentioned he wasn't far behind. I tried to rush Sam as much as I could as my nightmare of the boys being there together made my stomach hurt. As we approached the cinema the sounds of sirens filled the air as the cinema was right next to a police station. My heart literally stopped as after the Ryan situation the local authorities were not exactly what I wanted to be around right now. I couldn't help but feel nervous and I could immediately tell Sam was too as she looked like she was ready to shit herself.

"I bloody hate the Feds, can we get inside away from these pigs" Sam hissed as a police man walked by.

I kissed my teeth "yeah say that louder! I'd love to get arrested today" I said dragging her into the cinema quickly before her mouth got us in more trouble than we were already in.

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