Making things right - Chapter 18

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I can't believe I let things get this bad. This is all my fault I said to myself, my eyes still stinging from the tears. I didn't want to look soft but I couldn't even help it. These tears weren't from sadness anymore, there were pure anger. I'm supposed to be protecting Ally and I fucking failed, how the fuck could I let this prick put his hands on her? These thoughts kept running through my mind, I couldn't even think straight, hear properly or even fucking see. My vision blurred as another tear formed in my eye...


I turned to the middle aged white lady shouting at me in her car in the middle of the road, I looked down to see her car was less than an inch from me. I was so out of it I didn't even realise I was walking into traffic.
"I'm sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry..." I said repeatedly as I jogged across the street. Passers by had come to a stop and were staring at me like I was some kind of freak. I realised if I was going to do anything right I would need to get myself together first.

I walked into a near by cafe and ordered some water and sat down. As I sat there I checked my phone.
12 missed calls from Ally. She was probably worried. Scared I was going to do something I'd regret. Something bad. And she was right. I was going to do something really bad but I sure as fuck wouldn't regret it. I needed to make it up to her. After all the shit she's been through. I needed to fix things. She's my best friend. Maybe even more than that. I paused as my mind wondered. My thoughts went straight to the night we got close for the first time, when I was staying at her house. I was drunk that night but I remembered every second of it. Her body on mine, her soft lips, how sexy she looked and how close we were to having sex before her mum burst in. It's soo difficult acting like I'm not in love with her. Every time I see her I can't believe how beautiful she is, I crave her body on mine, the fantasies I have about her are insane, half the nights I spent at hers I'm surprised she never noticed how hard my dick was. I remember that one night I was dreaming about fucking her, and I realised she'd noticed I had a bonar. I had to say Ambers name to throw her off because I didn't want her to think I was weird having a hard on in her bed. But I can't keep hiding my feelings for her. The things I want to do to her body, and what I want her to do to me... I'd take my time on her. Make sure I make every inch of her body feel something. I wanted to run my tongue up and down her body. Stick it inside her. Give her every inch of me. I wanted to do things to her I've never done too anyone before. I'd do anything for her. And everything to her. I just knew I wasn't ready. I wanted to give her the best and I couldn't right now. My baby was broken... My Ally. But I was going to fix this.
And I was going to start by killing the guy who broke her.

I texted Sam to give me Ryan's snapchat name. I knew she'd me smart enough not to tell Ally. I'm sure she'd seen her bruises by now and wanted this guys dead as much as I did.

Less than a minute later I received a text back:

His snapchat name is 'KingRyss'. Il keep Ally distracted, give that prick what he deserves!

Before I could thank Sam for the username she messaged me again asking for an alibi for my whereabouts that she could show to Ally if she got desperate. Apparently Ally was going nuts and Sam didn't know how long it would be before she came looking for me.

I texted back:

Gone to the gym to do some boxing. Need to let off some steam. Want to be alone but will be back at college for last period.

That should buy me some time and keep Ally at college for the rest of the day. As soon as I sent the text I added Ryan's username on a burner account I made. I knew he'd be stupid enough to have his location on Snapchat. I chugged the rest of my water and headed over to a local hardware store up the road. I bought a hammer, a bat, some rope and some tape and called my friend Cairo to come help me just in case Ryan was with that guy Sam dated. I didn't want him getting in the way while I dealt with Ryan.
Cairo was my boy from back in the day when I was in the young offenders institution, after getting kicked out of secondary school for fighting. When we first met, some guys tried to fuck with me and Cairo backed me up. We beat those guys up soo bad no one messed with us for the rest of our time there. Id never seen anyone fight like Cairo though. This guy was a beast. 6'4, built like a bear and probably stronger than the Hulk. I thought I was bad because I know when I get mad I lose my temper, but Cairo... he's a psycho, and he'd be the perfect help for what I had planned. I texted him to come meet me at mine so I could arrange the plan. I knew he'd be down for it because this guy loves trouble.

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