Chapter Twenty-Eight: You Promise You Wouldn't

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Trigger Warning: Fight club. Or is there? Because the first rule is you don't talk about fight club.

Oh and to the rereaders of this chapter and the book entirely: No spoilers in this chapter or any chapter in TGGBB or TGGBB2. Don't even drop a #RR >:/

Note: I'm starting uni again on January 19 and my schedule is very rough this semester. Updates will go back to being sporadic and slow. But look out for my announcements in Wattpad, Twitter, and/or Insta for progress updates on the chapters. And don't forget there's a TGGBB Discord to have discussions of chapters and theories with other readers. Be happy and safe everyone!


"Finals took the rest of my brain cells," Jordan whined as he sat on the couch upside down with his legs propped over the back.

"You should stop sitting like that," I told him as I flipped a page. "If you really don't have any brain cells left, you can't afford to have the blood rush into your head."

"Fine," Jordan stretched, swinging his legs over to hit Declan.

Declan shoved Jordan away. "Stop, you'll mess me up," Declan snapped with his eyes still trained on the screen as he played a video game. "I'm fighting the next boss and he's pissing me off. Stupid little-"

"Why are you reading a book?" Jordan asked in disbelief. "We just had finals. You're a monster."

"Thanks," I said absentmindedly.

"That wasn't a compliment."

"In your perspective."

"Huh, you're right," he muttered.

"The only stuff I read were textbooks and practice workbooks," I told him. "Now I'm reading a fictional story without a single multiple-choice question in its pages. You can't stop a bookworm."

"You're a monster," Jordan repeated.


"You know, I was thinking," Jordan began.

"Oh no," Declan and I said in unison before smirking to ourselves when Jordan shot us a glare.

"As I was saying," Jordan said. "I was thinking that it would've been nice to go to prom."

That made me look up from my book. "What's this? Did you already have your prom dress ready? Know what hairdo and makeup you'll use?"

Jordan smiled. "Obviously." He laughed. "But seriously. It's still an experience. And just because we go to prom doesn't mean actually have to go to prom."

Declan frowned as the buttons of his game controller clicked while he battled the video game boss. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, I was just thinking we can always play a prank. Spike the punch. Ruin the playlist. Make the principal win prom queen," he said with a grin.

"I hate that I know you," Declan muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "That sounds like a lot of work. If you put that much effort into school, you would've been valedictorian."

"Hey!" Jordan interjected while Declan snickered and said, "Nice one."

"And it might seem worth it, but we shouldn't risk getting in trouble. Colleges can rescind their offers if you do something bad."

"It isn't bad," Jordan told me. "It's funny."

"I think that's your life motto," Declan pointed out.

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