Chapter Six: I've Always Wanted a Big Sister

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"Are you sure that we don't need one of those signs to tell someone in the airport we're picking them up?"

"Of course we don't, Jordan," Bennett grumbled.

"Why not?" He whined.

"We have a private plane," he muttered. "There's no one else on the plane and no one else waiting but us."

"Well excuse me Rich-ard," Jordan said, making Bennett tense at the name. "I thought it would be a nice welcome to have that sign waiting for you."

"I will throw you out this car and Declan will help me."

"Gladly," Declan said with a laugh.

Jordan huffed and sank into his seat. "What a waste of cardboard."

"What's even on the sign?" I asked, turning around from my front seat.

Jordan flipped the cardboard and showed that it read:

Mrs. Wallace

I looked at Bennett. "At the next red light, let's throw him out."

"I'd rather do that while the car is still moving," Declan offered.

"I'm not going to make this sign go to waste," Jordan stated. "Someone needs to be Mrs. Wallace."

I felt very awkward in the car for a moment.

"Declan, what do you think? Will you be Mrs. Wallace?"

I couldn't hold back laughing, and even Bennett was fighting back a smile.

Declan looked insulted. "Even if we were, I would keep my name. Have a nice day, Mrs. Lynch."

"So you consider," Jordan accused.

"No, I don't! I was just saying," flustered, he gave up. "Just shut up, you're an idiot."

"I can't believe I ever married you," Jordan huffed. "I want a divorce."

"We were never married!"

"Oh look, we're here," I said. "Ready for your honeymoon?"

"Ha ha, Naomi," Jordan said. "Don't pretend you don't want to be Mrs. Wallace."

"Not as much as Declan."


"C'mon, the plane must've landed soon," Bennett said.

Bennett left the car with the valet. He started walking fast and we hurriedly tried to follow. Declan got one of those luggage carriers and offered I ride on them. But Jordan beat me to it and went on top of it. Automatically, Declan turned it over to make Jordan fall down. When Jordan tried getting on the carrier again, Declan just left it and got another one.

"You're so heartless," I teased him. "How can you do that to your newly beloved wife?"

"Stop being so mean, Naomi," Declan muttered, but he still smiled.

There was an awkward silence between us as Jordan passed by riding a smaller luggage carrier like a scooter.

"I'm sorry what happened the other day," he said softly. "It wasn't right for us to do that to you. But at the same time, it was kind of like the burden was off our shoulder. We didn't have to stop pretending. It was getting kinda tiring already."

I blushed at having to talk about this. "No, you don't have to apologize, Declan. I can't really do anything with it though except, well, question your taste in women."

"I have great taste," Declan said, insulted. "I love food."

"You know what I meant."

"Well the same goes for you," he said. "I should question your taste."

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