Chapter Thirty-Three: Yeah and Into Jail

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Not giving up on getting Bennett's signature to end the Starbucks Contract, the last of the Musketeers attempt to find Bennett's location.

They were able to thanks to Naomi who used her connection with Jae Seong, leader of the Inked Blades, for a favor. Knowing that he has background information of his enemies, Jae also has Bennett's location.

Where is it? We will learn soon enough.

And that is what you missed on Glee!


"Of course it's the biggest house I've ever seen," Jordan said in exasperation.

"You call that a house?" I asked. "I think I accidentally got inside a Wattpad story."

The address Jae had given us took us to the rich side of town in the secluded hills of nepotism- Jordan's words, not mine. The houses were not in mere blocks, neatly sitting side by side, but took up perhaps miles of land that I couldn't help but glance at the car's gas tank to make sure we had enough to get home.

We were all sitting in Declan's car in front of the gate to Bennett's house, no, let's call it a mansion. We need to constantly explain how rich Bennett is and calling it a house would not suffice.

Behind a large metal gate was a winding road surrounded by neatly trimmed hedges and carefully pruned trees. The paved road was split into two before joining again to make space in the center for a rectangular marble fountain, with a raised wall for a waterfall. And looming over the fountain was a modern mansion with an intricate exterior design that made it difficult to tell the exact layout of this three-story building. The mansion itself was tucked between a forest that took care to not reveal the rest of the property.

"And this is why we eat the rich," Jordan concluded. "I mean look at that. A fountain as big as an Olympic pool? Now he's just rubbing it in our faces."

"But we should have expected this already. This is Bennett's family we're talking about," Declan said before he paused and squinted. "Is it just me or is that an outside tennis court?"

"Don't tell me those are stables," I muttered. "I don't think I can forgive Bennett if he didn't tell me he has horses."

"And he never invited you guys here?" I asked them.

"Not even before we transferred to Dartwell," Declan explained. "He always managed to avoid bringing us or even talking about it. Before we knew it, he had already moved to his apartment."

"Such a gatekeeper," Jordan grumbled before his eyes widened and motioned to the house, I mean mansion. "Literally. His house has an actual gate!"

"But what are the odds Jae gave us the wrong address?" Declan asked.

All three of us turned to look at the house, a mansion sitting on top of a hill with a fountain right in front of it.

"Nah," we said in unison.

"So what do you think we should do?" I asked.

"The only thing we can do," Jordan said.

Then he opened the car door and began walking towards the gate.

Declan and I shared a look before we left the car and followed after him.

Reaching the gate before us, Jordan went in front of the entry gate stand at the left side of the driveway for drivers to press a call button. The rich version of a doorbell.

Jordan lifted his hand to press the button, but we managed to stop him.

"Wait!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Jordan asked.

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