Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Irony is Breathtaking

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Recommendation: Before reading this chapter, read Chapter 28, maybe even Chapter 27, for the flow of the story. Also watch this awesome animatic by Peppoco!

Cool announcement in the author's note!


There was only silence.

Dead silence.

And yet my head was filled with noise.

A noise that wasn't meant to release any emotions but only drone out the thoughts swirling in my head.

"You smile and laugh to hide your insecurities despite knowing that everything you do is pointless because everyone sees right through you. You're forced to realize that people have their own lives and the universe doesn't revolve around you."

Jordan had his head on the table, one hand clutching the locks of his hair out of frustration. And yet he sat still and quiet, save for the incoherent murmurs under his breath. The table slightly wobbled as I heard the light taps of Jordan restlessly bouncing his leg.

"You're terrified that with one wrong move, you'll lose control or your past will catch up to you. You tell yourself that you're not Gio, but every time you look at him, think about him, you realize it's not a matter of if but a matter of when."

Declan had sat back against his chair, his arms folded across his chest, staring up at the ceiling. But then he leaned forward, placing an elbow on the table, placing his hand over his eyes. He visibly clenched his jaw before letting out a shaky exhale.

"You're constantly weaving this character to your advantage. You think you have everyone fooled with this double-sided facade of yours, but now you can't even distinguish yourself. You say that you hate books with unreliable narrators but that's exactly what you are."

I stared blankly at my glasses sitting on the table, my nails digging into the palms of my hands as fought to blink back the tears. I bit the bottom of my lip that trembled, hoping that the taste of iron or the pain in my hands will stop me from falling again.

He left us. Bennett left us. In what seemed to be a plan for weeks, no, months, he left the Musketeers and cut us out. It was already enough of a shock of him backing out as our leader and quitting the gang because of this wall between him and the rest of us, alienated and betrayed. It was already enough that he said the whole friendship was an act, carelessly forced together by that contract, and that our friendship should not, will not stand in his way to his future.

But to end it all, he left a parting gift for each of us. Some sort of sick, twisted character analysis of us, exposing our insecurities and fears that we may not have known had existed, much less expected him to. It was like he was some therapist, only a therapist helped you work your insecurities out, not throw them in your face. And yet, he still knew that much about each of us when I doubt the three of us together would have come up a third of Bennett's own character analysis.

I felt... I was... I am... I don't know. These emotions of betrayal, grief, anger, sadness, confusion just fought and clashed against each other leaving me to just blankly stare out to nothingness, numb.

Jordan's fist suddenly slammed on the table as he let out a curse, startling me and Declan out of our daze.

Jordan abruptly sat up, furiously rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater that I was worried that he could scrape them off. When he set his hand back on the table, he hung his head, his bangs falling over his eyes so I couldn't see them but I could only imagine he was glaring at whatever was in front of him.

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