Dear Disrespectful Ship Fans (Especially Disrespectful Bennomi Fans)...

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I want to address a problem in TGGBB: respecting other people's ships

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I want to address a problem in TGGBB: respecting other people's ships.

Respect all other ships or else Bennomi will be permanently off the ship table. I will make it sink and never see the light of day.

If you cannot respect another ship, I'm going to twist this series like putting wired earphones in your pocket and taking it out to see it a tangled mess.

I'm going to may Rayomi happen, make Parker come back, make Bennett be Nicotine and sent to jail. I'll do it. I've done crazier things! You've read TGGBB.

I've seen the theories that Bennett might die. Thanks for the idea!

Now that I have properly scared you, know that I'm not going to do that. Now read further.

There have been several Bennomi fans have been disrespectful in the comments. I was reading the Decomi babysitting scene which I was proud of because it showed the aspect of bullying when you're worried about a loved one is going to be bullied. I made such a strong character just breakdown in front of you and show how broken they truly are. It was a powerful scene that I was so proud of. And then it was RUINED by:

"Not my ship."

"But Bennomi... But Bennett..."

"Just going to skip this because it's not my ship."

I did NOT just pour out my heart and soul into that chapter just to read those comments.

This can also be seen with Parkomi scenes too.

These comments make me rethink being a writer. Were they not good enough that you couldn't respect the scene itself? Enough about the ship. What about the effort I put into it? My words fell from deaf ears, blind eyes.

Whenever a Bennomi scene has happened, there have been many Decomi and Jordomi fans have been nothing but respectful and keeping quiet as you all can enjoy the scene in peace. But you Bennomi fans would make Bennett disappointed in you.

(Nudges Bennett)

Bennett: I'm disappointed in you.

See! He's disappointed!

Bennett's character arc hasn't even ended yet. If a character or scene is having their moment to shine, LET THEM SHINE!

AND stop thinking that I'm aiming at ALL Bennomi fans. My gosh please read the entire post before bombarding my message board and inbox. I'm aiming at the disrespectful fans who comment, MANY of them being vocal Bennomi fans. Don't think I'm targeting you- hundreds of readers have complained about it in the comment sections or came forward to me about this problem in my inbox because the difference between Bennomi fans and Decomi or Jordomi fans are "unfair" in their words.

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