Chapter Three: I Met Someone

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"Even I have to admit, this is pretty sad."

Abruptly closing the book, I was left staring at the cover that read How to Make Friends: The Guide to Poor Unsociable Souls. The author couldn't have been blunter with such a title. Even I could feel my soul trying to escape, knowing it's too late to save me now.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged my legs. I was in the lonely corner of the self-help books of the local bookstore. And after devouring each book in the section, none of them were able to complete their mission of helping me. I figured I'll go to the base and try looking up something on the topic there. So I did my best to pull myself together and got up from the ground. I returned the book in its place, gave the section a glare Declan would be proud of since it wasn't even able to save me from my perpetual doom, and went on my way.

Fighting to ignore the whispers and pleas of the books surrounding me, begging for me to read and buy them, I continued on. But even I had to look back and stretch my hand towards the new releases of books and mangas.

"I'll come back for you someday," I whispered to them, wiping a tear away.

Ah, the struggle for poor bookworms. That's why we were all blessed with libraries. To which I should visit later anyway.

When I left the sanction of the bookstore, I was met with the still cold weather of January. Yet, I was still warm in the embarrassment of the reason I was in the store in the first place. Of course, I already have friends. Those three are the best friends anyone could ever have.

"Friendzone," Jordan coughed.

I tsked at the memory from the new year's party because that's the point.

There are too many boys in my life.

When I passed by a group of girls, I stared at the ground to avoid eye contact. I know there are girls who'd kill to be in my position. But at the same time, it can be overwhelming. As much as I love those three, sometimes we really can be in different worlds. I looked at two girls at the other side of the street as they debated at the outside menu of a restaurant. I want to have a girl-friend, someone to keep me sane in my situation.

"Better said than done," I muttered to myself.

I have no real way to get any female contact, given I value my life. Everyone in school steers clear of me. They figured out it's a waste of time messing with me, especially when they know the three guys will be there to witness anything they'll do to me.

And I don't exactly have the best experience with other girls in general. Honestly, girls are the worst kind of people as enemies. They don't even have to lift a finger, except to text, to mess with you. The girl's P.E locker is its own level of hell. So I don't think I'd want to attempt befriending anyone in my school given the history I have with it.

But really, how did I get friends in the first place? Maybe I'm some kind of guy magnet. Maybe I can offer that in exchange for friendship. The greatest wingwoman ever.

I shook my head at my thoughts and quickened my pace. The guys were going to the base later because Bennett promised to make something for us, or really we made him. Taking a sharp turn at a corner, I crashed into a poorly placed stand making a couple of papers fall onto the ground.

I barely managed to grab a couple of papers as when I stood up, I was face to face with a girl. She was a few centimeters shorter than me. Her bright dark green eyes looked at me. She gave me a quick once over, her short curly black hair bobbed at the movement before she looked back at me, smiling.

With a grin, she asked brightly, "Would you like to-"

"-Be my friend?" I stupidly finished.

I don't think that's how making friendships work. I think Jordan's sentence finishing habit got to me.

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