Chapter Twenty-Two: Why Did You Bring In A Lawyer?

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Music Video: "Legend Has It" by Run the Jewels. (Runs the theme of guilty until proven innocent, great music video)


[This was published May 23, 2020, two days before George Floyd's death on May 25 and the Minneapolis Riots]


Please stop claiming lines or paragraphs and comment on what's relevant to the chapter. I prefer seeing a whole comment section of just emojis over one claim. I only accept claims in the dashes or squiggles. Any and all other claims will be deleted and/or disapproved of with a shameful shake of the head. If you see any claims, just go "smh" or make some hashtag- you guys can be quite clever.

Also please stop asking for the next update. I don't read those messages so save yourself the effort. Don't worry, I want an update too. You're not alone. The only problem is that I actually have to write it.


Previously on TGGBB:

In the previous book, Naomi became the Fourth Musketeer. One of the perks to becoming a Musketeer is getting a tattoo of the fleur-de-lis. Naomi went to a tattoo shop owned by a man named Milo who gave her a tattoo on her right ring finger and a henna tattoo of the fleur-de-lis on her back.

It was then explained what the situation was with the city's main gangs and the Lost Boys. Having brought down the previous lead gang, the Royal Bloods, Bennett, Jordan, and Declan were chosen to take their place over the three other main gangs: the Ursa Grizzlies Biker Gang, the Inked Blades Syndicate and the Mayhem Wasps. The Lost Boys are a gang somehow related to the Royal Bloods seeking to avenge them, but no one can figure out how they're connected or why they're doing it.

It was planned for Naomi to be introduced and attend the next official gang meeting in March.

And that's what you missed on Glee!


"I'd rather keep you hidden from them," Declan told me.

"It's not that hard," I replied, quickening my pace to match with his as we walked down the long corridor. "I'm quite shorter than you. I'm practically in your shadow."

He cracked a smile before it vanished as quickly as it appeared. "I'm serious, Naomi. I don't want you to be here." He winced at what he said. "You know what I mean."

"Don't worry, I do," I assured him.

"Just because we don't want her here doesn't change the fact that we need her here," Bennett reminded Declan. "We haven't been getting far in our past meetings and Naomi could be what gets us back on track."

"I just don't think it'll change anything, change them," Declan forced out. "And I don't want her to be there when that happens."

"She's part of our band now," Jordan said as he put his arm around my shoulders. "If we had her call or video in, that would make us look weaker than they already see us."

"I don't care about that if it means we have to risk your safety, Naomi."

"You've been teaching me more self-defense," I said with a light laugh. "And besides, I have you as well."

"You have me too!" Jordan interjected, hugging my shoulders now.

I laughed. "Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you, Jordan."

We all stopped at the large metal double doors in front of us. We were in an abandoned warehouse that was located in the middle of the city.

Bennett motioned his head to the side. "Check if they're already waiting for us."

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book Two of TGGBB Series] (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now