Character and Ship Appreciation Chapter

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The drawing is made by Pekgna based on  Chapter 21: Salads Are Great when they all celebrated Valentine's Day at the Mad Hatter Cafe. Going clockwise starting at the blonde boi, it's Jordan, Bennett, Brennan, Lynn, Naomi, and Declan. 

Contains Spoilers, Duh.

I was talking to a reader on Twitter and they told me that they felt like they shouldn't ship Bennomi after that previous chapter. I never told any of you that you shouldn't stop supporting a ship, much less Bennomi. You are all free to ship anyone you like, and it's not like I can possibly stop you - Floornomi (Floor+Naomi) and Rordan (Rock+Jordan) is currently winning anyway.

So I want to make this chapter to be a sort of reflection of what has happened so far in terms of character and ship development. This will be just focused on the 4M but I will have a spot for any other characters and ships. I think it'll be great so you can share what you love about a character and ship so we can see WHY we should respect other ships and be able to bond with others who are on the same ship as you. Be sure to comment your own views as well! 

Since I'm the author, I'll go first haha.

I'll also share their Myers Briggs personalities. Yes, I took the personality tests as their characters given I know them the best. You can take the test on the website

This is what each letter means: 

Where you focus your attention – Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I) 

The way you take in information – Sensing (S) or INtuition (N) 

How you make decisions – Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) 

How you deal with the world – Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

How confident you are in your abilities and decisions – Assertive (A) or Turbulent (T)


Naomi: INFJ-T (Diplomats-Advocate)

Jordan: ENFP-T (Diplomats-Campaigner)

Declan: ISFP-T (Explorers-Adventurer)

Bennett: ISTJ-A (Sentinels-Logistician)

I'll also add little ol' me: INFP-T (Diplomats-Mediator)

I used to be ENFP-T and then INFJ-T before being INFP-T. It's important to do the Myers Briggs personality test every few months or years to see how you have changed as a person because you often work on your weaknesses and find new strengths. But I'll always be in the Diplomat group.


Naomi is the most difficult character that I still continue to struggle with understanding. She is both an extension or reflection of me while at the same time she is her own person. I love her character flaws that make her more real - stubborn, independent, naive, book smart but not street smart. Throughout most of TGGBB, I couldn't understand her, but I'm still very happy that a lot of readers still like her and even look up to her, despite her flaws. In my new book "Broken Glasses", I want to give her more justice and take away that "book smart but not street smart" characteristic because that was unrealistic and she's clearly smart and rational. 

For her personality type, she's creative, insightful, inspiring/convincing, decisive, determined/passionate and altruistic or has a good cause/belief. Her weaknesses are that she's very sensitive, extremely private, a perfectionist, always needs a cause to be driven, and can be burnt out easily.

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