Chapter Thirty-One: But I Looked Cool?

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Bennett's decision to leave the others made them almost disbanded the group. Almost. Determined, the remaining three sought out to find Bennett to properly end the Contract of Starbucks- mostly to have them get the last word, the final say at him. All the need is Bennett's signature, but one must be reminded that he is a Frazier- and no one can truly afford a Frazier's signature.


"Are you sure you can't just hack into the system to-"

"Naomi, for the last time, I won't go into the school database just to change your missing attendance," Jordan said in exasperation. "Even our own teachers are pulling in subs to skip out on the last week of school."

"But colleges can rescind their offers to students who have drastic grade changes or get into trouble," I said nervously.

"Don't worry," he said, waving me off. "If they take away your offer, you can have mine."

"That's not how it works, Jordan." I didn't even bother to think if he was kidding or not.

"You two, enough," Declan snapped. "Naomi, stop worrying about that and focus on our plan. And Jordan, no one wants your college offer."

Jordan scoffed. "Excuse me?"

"You're excused," Declan told him. Leaning against a wall with his arms folded across his chest, he looked back in front of him across the street. "So?"

I turned around with my back against the street looking down at my phone to look like I was checking through my social media. "Every time we go to Bennett's apartment, it's the same doorman," I said. "He's not standing by the door but at the desk, so his shift isn't up yet. We'll have a better chance of getting in if he's at the door."

Jordan took a knee to pretend to tie his shoe as he explained, "I took a nice walk around the apartment and all of the security cameras were in the same place. The only other entrance is for the underground parking lot that has its own security guard stationed there." He stood up, looking at us. "If the main door doesn't work, worst case scenario we wait for the shift change for the garage."

"Even if the front entrance is our best bet, I still think it won't work," I said. "Usually Bennett informs them that he has guests when he invites us over. They'll turn us away if they weren't notified ahead of time and we obviously can't ask Bennett to let us in given he blocked us."

Jordan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but that's just him being posh and polite whatever. He doesn't actually have to do it. Besides, we've been over at his place plenty of times, the doorman must already recognize us. He might even treat us in the first-class Frazier royalty treatment."

Jordan and I then turned to look at Declan for the tiebreaker, and he let out a sigh. "Naomi, you may be right about this but we don't have any other option, so Jordan-"

"-be your brilliant self?" Jordan finished with a cocky grin. "Aren't I always?"

Declan and I didn't say anything in response, the silence answering for us.

As we began walking towards the apartment complex as we saw the shift change, Jordan boasted, "The key is confidence. As long as you believe it, they'll believe it too. You gotta have the mentality that everything will work. Think of it as the Anti-Murphy's Law, call it: the Jordan's Law

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