An Important Message to All You Amazing Readers

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Whether you are a first-time reader (FTR) or rereaders (RR), I, the author, have but three humble requests.

1. Please be kind and respectful to each other and yourself.

This is a book about bullying awareness. By being able to write a book like this, I was able to create this community of amazing people through this series over several years. And it is from this I want everyone to be aware and actively work to build this kind, bright, welcoming community for FTRs and RRs.

I have been told that the TGGBB fandom is a known and visible Wattpad fandom and I'm proud to be part of this cult- I mean community. I want this community to continue being a shining example for other fandoms and for all readers to be proud to be in.

It's hard to read the tone/emotions or the intention of an online message. I learned there's a thing called tone tags where you can tag if your comment is a joke, sarcastic, serious like:

"I hate this bully! Who wants to give them an early funeral with me? /hj /th /nsrs" [half joking, threat, non-serious]

"My ship is obviously superior than yours /j /nsrs /hype /lh" [joking, not-serious, hyperbole, lighthearted]

"Wait what just happened? Did I read that right? /rt or /rh" [rhetorical question]

It is from this I want to include these other requests:

2. Rereaders, please create a spoiler thread to protect FTRs from spoilers.

I'm honored that you gave this book a chance despite its title. I'm double honored that you enjoyed it enough to reread it.

However, readers have told me they've been spoiled by the comments through rereaders commenting #RR followed by a spoiler. Some comments you can't control because the nostalgia hits you. However, I want to create a reader culture that can hopefully spread to other books/communities as well.

If you want to write a spoiler, first make a comment that says "spoiler" THEN reply to that same comment and write your actual spoiler. Create a comment thread to not only double protect FTRs with wandering eyes (rather than writing "spoiler" making a huge space then have your spoiler in the same message) BUT to also create a cool comment thread where rereaders can freely discuss the spoiler.

[P.S. We also have a TGGBB Discord. Link in my bio. You can discuss theories and obsess over chapters and characters!]

3. Please be respectful of people's opinions especially their ships.

I'm proud that my community has very passionate people who really enjoy the characters I created, specifically ships. As the author, I want to teach everyone about bullying awareness. The humor and romance that comes with the book are just a bonus. In short, I'm writing a textbook with a plot and a sense of humor.

However, some readers have been known to clash with each other in this ship war, getting into heated and hurtful arguments. Let's stop that. We're better than that. If there's a ship scene that isn't your ship, don't be rude and say stuff like this (paraphrasing but people have written this):

- "I don't like this ship and anyone who ships them is stupid. They have no chemistry or anything. Fight me." [um... yikes, you just woke up today and chose violence today huh? /halfjoking /teasing]

- "This isn't my ship so I'm going to skip this scene" [um... didn't know my hard work would go down the drain like that lol /half joking /not serious /a little upset]

You have the right to your opinions and freedom of speech, but not at the cost of being rude to me and other people around you. So all I want to ask is that you reconsider writing those comments. If you're a reader who loves a certain ship and enjoys a certain scene, you'd want to comment on it and share your enjoyment of it with other readers. But if you see comments like that in the comment section, your mood is ruined and you feel as if your opinion is invalid.

Readers have told me they had stopped reading the book simply because they got into a ship argument or hate the toxicity in the comment section.

I got some awesome readers who have written comments like these:

- "I don't like this ship but I found this scene pretty cute. I hope my ship gets a nice scene too." (aw now you'll get readers of your ship to reply and fan over your ship /genuine)

- "This scene made me see this ship in a new light. I might change ships or am now a multishipper" (i have achieved my end goal of making polygamy the answer jk... unless... /joke)

Don't gatekeep a book about bullying awareness. I refused the offer to make TGGBB a paid story so this book can be free and accessible to all.

Well then, that should be it. I won't take any more of your time. Thank you for giving the book a chance and I hope you enjoy!

[Also- There's TGGBB merchandise in RedBubble. Lol yes, people actually buy it for some reason. Link in my bio.]

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