Chapter Seven: Did You Make Him Do That?

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"Quick. What is the most deadliest solution I can make with these chemicals," Jordan whispered to me urgently.

I stared at him. "Even if I were to know, why would I tell you? What are you even planning on doing with it?"

"I'm going to pour it into stalker-face's drink when he isn't looking," he said, motioning his head to behind us.

"You're terrible at whispering," Dominic whispered from the table behind. Note that he was actually whispering.

Jordan was quiet for a moment, perhaps contemplating his overestimation of his voice level. "Maybe it was on purpose."

"You have a better chance making a love potion for Naomi," Dominic said with a grin.

"It's still a work in progress. I'm trying to get a strand of her hair for the last ingredient but-" He was cut off by me hitting his shoulder, nearly knocking him off his seat.

I parted my hair to the other side of my head, away from him. I began a braid just to be extra safe. "Stay away from me. Or I'm calling Declan on you."

"Just say the word and you'll never have to see him again," Declan said from a different table.

"Taking out the competition, I see," Jordan snapped.

Declan gave an innocent shrug.

"This is a study hall of finishing your work packets," the teacher scolded the class. "This isn't the cafeteria where you can talk to whomever you want."

"Sure smells like it," Jordan said, pinching his nose.

The class snickered at that.

Bennett stood up from his chair, the stainless steel announcing the movement with a wincing noise against the floor. He went up to the teacher's desk to turn in his packet and then went back to return to his seat. He stopped at a moment at my table.

"You're not done yet Naomi?"

"No," I bit out. "Jordan keeps bothering me."

"Excuses," Jordan said with a snort as he tried making a pyramid from beakers.

"Well if you need any help finishing the packet..." Bennett offered.

"Now you're just making fun of me. You don't even know if all of your answers are correct," I said with a grin to which he returned a small smile back.

"I never knew you could talk this much," Dominic said to Bennett. "Oh the things love can do to a man."

"Stop it with your comments," I hissed at him. "You don't make things any better."

"I know, that's the point," Dominic said as he wrote something into his packet.

Bennett went to his seat next to Dominic. "One of these days, I'm going to come to this class with your seat empty. And only I will know the reason."

"Because you would have visited my house knowing I was sick," he said before adding, "Lovesick."

Bennett met his match and looked away from his lab partner.

I attempted to return to answering my work packet, but I knew I was becoming unfocused because I kept making simple mistakes. That was a bit out of Bennett's character suddenly making small talk. Doing my best to hide it, I glanced back at Bennett and met his eyes, but he quickly looked away.

The door opened and kid who probably serviced for the main office came into the classroom. He gave the teacher a slip of paper to which my name was suddenly called.

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